The love of my life

by Julie
(Green Bay WI)

Hi everyone, my boyfriend drives over the road, he is gone for 6 weeks at a time and home for 6 days...we both in our 40's and neither of us have children.

Greg has been my best friend for 27 years, we have both dated other people and we have both been married before, we have always had a very special connection, he was my first love.

Last year we began talking more often,as we have done so many times in our lives when we struggle, we usually turn to each other...something happened and our friendship caught fire, he is my soul mate. We are on the same path spiritually, we seem to cultivate the best in each other.

Its hard to feel sorry for oneself when your partner is "out there" dealing with bad road conditions, unrealistic delivery deadlines and soaring fuel prices! I am still the one that gets a soft bed to sleep in and the ability to have daily amenities. Showers, good food, family, something as simple as a back yard BBQ.

In his case it is not the big things he misses... its all the little things. I know when he leaves it is hard on him, I know being out there is hard on is hard on me too but in the end i get lots of phone time, great conversation and a boyfriend that I adore and I am adored in return.

Saturdays are hard for him so I pack up a little Saturday care package that he takes with him, and he picks a present from the package every Saturday, we do it together he calls me and then he picks a present, cards, homemade cd's, candy, pictures his nieces have drawn for him, books, love notes, photos, its inexpensive but makes him feel very special and he is.

We have over the phone date nights when I light candles and have some wine and we talk late into the night and for that one night, fuel mileage...wind...bad loads are off limits for conversation. We talk about our lives, our future, our plans and how grateful we are for each other.

I miss my trucker terribly but I am so proud of him and he has a heart of gold and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I waited a lifetime for this kind of love, it's not the perfect situation but it is the perfect love.

I will take what we have and be grateful every second of everyday that I know I have a partner who I adore.

BE PROUD OF YOUR TRUCKER!!! they have a very tough job. Juls

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Apr 12, 2011
To Stana
by: Juls

Stana, thank you... sometimes we forget how hard it is on our trucker to be away. As hard as it is on us imagine how they feel. I think our support is their life line. It is amazing how a little support and encouragement from us changes their outlook. I miss Greg terriably but...he is an amazing man and I am blessed to share in his life. I wish you well in your realtionship and may God keep your trucker safe. BE WELL. JULS

Apr 12, 2011
To Stana
by: Juls

Stana, thank you... sometimes we forget how hard it is on our trucker to be away. As hard as it is on us imagine how they feel. I think our support is their life line. It is amazing how a little support and encouragement from us changes their outlook. I miss Greg terriably but...he is an amazing man and I am blessed to share in his life. I wish you well in your realtionship and may God keep your trucker safe. BE WELL. JULS

Apr 12, 2011
To Stana
by: Juls

Stana, thank you... sometimes we forget how hard it is on our trucker to be away. As hard as it is on us imagine how they feel. I think our support is their life line. It is amazing how a little support and encouragement from us changes their outlook. I miss Greg terriably but...he is an amazing man and I am blessed to share in his life. I wish you well in your realtionship and may God keep your trucker safe. BE WELL. JULS

Apr 11, 2011
Thank you!!
by: Stana

I LOVE this!!!! Thank you for sharing your ideas to stay sane while your love is away. I just may have to create something like this for mine. God Bless you!!!

Apr 11, 2011
Thank you!!
by: Stana

I LOVE this!!!! Thank you for sharing your ideas to stay sane while your love is away. I just may have to create something like this for mine. God Bless you!!!

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