The Greatest Men on Earth are Faithful Truck Drivers

by Vanessa Mason
(Kalkaska, Michigan)

My name is Vanessa Mason and I can say that the greatest men on earth are the truck drivers, that stay faithful to their wives and families.

We families have struggles everyday both on the road and at home, not to mention the loneliness we struggle with everyday, from being apart...My greatest love on this earth (Phillip), bought me a tee shirt that sums it all up- "The only thing tougher than a trucker is a truckers wife".

If you agree with this send me an e-mail (after you comment so we can also hear your response thats why we are here(inserted by moderator)), I'd love to hear from you,, and the best thing we can do for our spouses is stand beside them every step of the way everyday.

Thank all that is good, for our truck drivers both male and female, without you, our nation would litterally fall...something to ponder on with all the new laws making it harder to stay in the field of truck driving.

Anyway, may you all have blessings everyday in your lives...Vanessa, Phillip and family

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Jun 11, 2016
Update NEW
by: Vanessa Mason

It is 2016 and just wanted to give you all an update on our family. Phill and myself are still happily married and very much still IN LOVE with each other after 11 years of marriage and 10 years with him being OTR. Our desire to stay in love has beaten all the odds, not to mention all the faith we have in one another, I sincerely congratulate any and all families who beat all the odds like us so far. Thank all of you Truck Drivers for all you do for America and bless you all the more.

Feb 19, 2012
Can't hardly see for the tears in my eyes.... NEW
by: Phill (yes her husband)

Yes. this actually is Vanessa's man, and i can hardly see to type for the dark of the hour and the tears tears won't stop falling....

Tears if sorrow and loneliness that i cannot be home with my loving and lovely wife, my adorable little girl....just another 2 weeks to go for those 4 days of bliss....

Tears of joy that rush at me everyday that i stop to contemplate on how astoundingly lucky i am to have "walked into frame" and ended up finding each other....

I had all but given up on finding love when we met. I had relegated my soul to never knowing what it meant to have my soul mate. I was trying to prepare myself for true solitude, no matter how crowded the room might be.

Then after a couple years together, i started to drive otr, and i know what it is to almost alone. Always having someone on the other end of the line, with words of comfort, love and appreciation for all that i do, all that i sacrifice. Correction, all that WE sacrifice together. And now i know, i am never alone, and i am loved, always... And i will always love her, (them) My Nessa, my rock, and my Evie, my joy...

Final Thought:
With Love, all our Joys are MULTIPLIED as as share them.
And our Sorrows, they divide and become smaller as our loved ones take a piece of that burden upon themselves.
So take the opportunity, everyday, to fall IN love with you partner, and share joy.

Phill "SmurfDaddy" Mason

Apr 19, 2011
Thank You
by: Vanessa Mason

Thank you laura for your beautiful story and loving words of encouragement. That is what this page and web site is all about. Encouragement both on and off the road, and especially for anyone who needs it, with all of the problems that our truckers face, all the good ones out there need to know that family and friends appreciate every thing they do both on the road and off...May many blessings follow both you and your man everyday. Vanessa Mason

Apr 14, 2011
Faithful Truckers
by: Laura

I agree, these wonderful, faithful men need our recognition. I have NO doubt that my man is and will continue to be committed in our relationship. This is both of our second marriages - he came to me raising his two neices and one nephew from his late sister... his wife walked out on him after 18 years feeling somewhat constricted by parenting. I now have my 12 year old and my husband's three children ages 10 , 13 and 15.... money is tight right now - so he will be on the road pretty much for the next 2 months straight... He knows I have his back no matter what, and I try to make sure that he is not feeling too much stress about missing family life at home. I love him to pieces and look forward to our daily phone calls and texts...and especially when he comes home..... I would not trade this life for anything...

Feb 12, 2011
by: melanie7

I have to agree with you Vanessa and I love the slogan on the tee shirt your husband got you. Sometimes I'm not sure which is harder - dealing with issues at home that come up while our guys are away or dealing with icey roads, dogs that need to potty, delayed loads, etc while we're out on the road with them. LOL My email addy is slingbladefan7@gmail - drop me a line and we can share stories

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