the car haulers loading mirror

by chris barbeau
(cornelius nc)

Hello to every car hauler out there. I have been hauling cars for a while now with a 3 car wedge and have created a patent pending mirror that attaches to the side of your trailer with a 95lb magnet to see the car's bumpers as they get closer together eliminating the need to get out to see how close you are getting to the car that's already loaded and the need to tap the bumpers together possibly causing damage to the cars.

These come in 2 sizes, 6 inch mirrors which are $49.95 with free 2 day shipping anywhere in the USA and 8 1/2 inch mirrors which are $54.95 also with free 2 day shipping anywhere in the USA. These can be seen and ordered at LOADINGMIRROR.COM.

Thank you and I hope one of these mirrors can be as much help to you as mine has been to me. Sincerely, Chris Barbeau, Improv Innovations LLC.

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