Terminated for 11mph over, got it reduced, still got canned

by Mr. Addington
(Victorville, CA)

I had a question about trucking. On FEB 15 i received a speeding ticket for 66MPH in a 55MPH zone in Bucyrus,OH. I am from CA and i was employed with CRST.

I was still in training when i received the bogus speeding ticket so they terminated me. Now i beat the ticket in court and it was reduced to non-moving, no-point violation. They told me that i couldn't work for them for at least 6 months because it is on my CSA or PSP record.

Now i am new to all of this stuff and i want to know how to get my PSP and CSA record corrected to reflect the court's final say for my violation.

Please tell me how i can do this or at least point me in the right direction. I also haven't paid CRST for the schooling just yet. I heard they could do something with my DAC?

Thanks everyone

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May 09, 2012
Oh by the way I am a female! lol
by: Anonymous

Yes, as I wrote in my other post it is a court issue and you will need an abstract from them on those court proceedings. Have you spoke with your attorney of record that helped with the reduction?

He most definitely will give you the proper legal process for having items removed from your record.

Did the website I sent you help you at all?

As for working for a company that says they can only take you back in 6 months it seems that is exactly what you must honor.

If you want to work for another company shoot for one that you can work in teams at least until your 6 months are up and this way you can gain more experience that you need to be hired on at most other companies that require this.

You wont be making much, but you will have something to do in the meantime. Right?

Helen Wheels

May 09, 2012
Here what DATAQs said
by: Mr. Addington

Status has been changed to 'Closed - No Action Taken'.
This appears to be a citation and not a driver vehicle examination report. All citation issues will need to be addressed with the local court that issued the citation. Thanks, Kelly Status prior to Response Open - In Review

I have no idea what Kelly is telling me. I contacted the court and they are sending paper work they said they have no control over where it goes. They said i have to pursue it on my own and they didnt know where to start.

In response the anonymous guy that asked why dont i get an independent driving job. Well i am new and only have 1 month OTR experience. CRST Fired me and then they have my diploma for the driving school. So if you have a couple more suggestions i would like to hear them. I just cant seem to find anyone that will take me. I want to work for CRST and since the won't take me back i want to work for US Express but i haven't got a response

May 08, 2012
Oh by the way I found this site also
by: Anonymous


If your attorney doesn't pan out I just found this:

Hope this helps? This site has a link here that can help you to challenge certain driving records.

Good Luck! :)

May 08, 2012
GREAT! You had an attorney
by: Anonymous

Great, you had an attorney. He can direct you as to the legalities of your situation and the attorney should give you the correct info on how to obtain the abstract from the court and how to clear this all up. After all you did pay him your hard earned money and I know out of state attorneys or attorneys who fight for out of state charges, also charge more!! So use it to your advantage, it is only a phone call away. Yes, no points should show in California system. At least that is how I have seen it happen. You can read the rules about tickets etc... at the DMV website this should help you to decide to stay with that company or find another one. By the way there are independent driver jobs all over Cali! It's not like you have a poor driving record here?

May 08, 2012
by: Anonymous

It was was reduced in ohio. It was done by the lawyer and I don't think the points doled out here in california

May 08, 2012
Abstract from the Court
by: Anonymous

You can get an abstract from the court proving the reduction and submit it to the proper authorities and have it removed. There are other questions:

Was the ticket given to you and then reduced in Ohio?

Did you have a lawyer do this for you?

Is this ticket reported on your record here in California? Or just in Ohio?

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