Stupid ideas people have about truckers...

by Teddi

It has been years ago, but I don't think people have changed enough. I was having extreme abdominal pain, of course my husband was gone. A friend and her boyfriend took me to the hospital. The doctor examined me, said he was going to order a couple of tests and xrays. He thought it was an ovarian cyst. He looked at the nurse and gave her the orders.

He then asked where my husband was, I may need surgery. I explained that my husband was on the road. He turned to the nurse and said, "check for sexually transmitted diseases, too."

We've been together almost 25 years! It hasn't been easy!

A good man is a good man, no matter what his job is.

One more year! We are retiring to 10 acres in the middle of nowhere!

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Jul 18, 2011
Stupid Ideas....
by: Anonymous

WOW-I would have questioned the doctor right then.I have a big mouth when it comes to doctors (I had to) and question alot of things they do. I know that now adays they do automatically check for STD's & Aids when doing blood work but I still would have questioned why. I am new to the life but I did not go into this with my DH with preconcived notions as to how truckers were. Stupid Hollywood, I say. Its up to us to change the minds of people. Even if alittle at a time.

Jul 16, 2011
middle of nowhere
by: TruckerYitz

hmm in the middle of nowhere? so who will be livijng in the north area south area east area and west area of nowhere? i hear that there is a 7-11 , a stukeys, an olive garden, a baskin robbins, mc donalds, taco bell and others right in the middle of nowhere. so if all these establishments are all in the middle of nowher, then are you going to redevelop the entire centre-de-ville of nowhere?

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