Slow times?

by Jennifer Schnittker
(Butler, Pa 16001)

Yea, its me again, lol. But I have a question for ya'll. I have noticed over the last few weeks--since the stock market crash, that the lanes are slow. Work is becoming scarce---is everyone experiencing this? Let me know who you drive for, and if your freight is slow in coming.


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Jan 10, 2009
talked to a lot of drivers this weeks from different trucking companies
by: Hervy

Yep, everyone is definitely recognizing a slow down in freight in 2009.

Some seriously. I was told we slowed down a little at Caldwell. I haven't seen it too much but the did cut our pay by 5%. (yeah, can you believe it)

Do I still thinking trucking is a good career move?


You do need to be aware of the fact that you may not get the miles promised in these advertisements.

When you call to talk to companies, ask them how many miles are they averaging per week or month for the drivers in the current economy. Not before the slow down but right now.

If you have strict needs requirements let them know that it's pointless to lie to you about it because you will just have to leave it you can't get the miles they are stating to you. Hopefully you will get as close to accurate disclosure as possible.


Oct 16, 2008
When the Ecomony Slows Trucking Surely Will
by: The Crazy Trucker


I heard them complaining about siting and waiting on freight.

I got a lot to say in response to that but I got to go unload in a minute when the receivers get here so i won't even start right now.

Me personally?

I haven't slowed down one bit. I will give my theory as to why summed on in the upcoming page

The Economy

Thanks for the interesting entry Jennifer.

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