sick of the b#llsh@&t

by Jennifer

My hubby is an otr driver, has been for bout 3 yrs. We've been married 6 yrs and have 4 kids all together but only our youngest lives with us full time...

Ive caught him cheating on me several times since hes been trucking, n our marriage has never been great because of his cheating n other bs...

I feel that as a truckers wife, ive been pushed beyond my limits.

I have had plenty of opportunities to cheat on him but haven't. I'm also 3 yrs older than my husband n feel that as if he will never appreciate all that i do for him here at our home when he is gone.

There is so much more to tell but i wont even go there... All i can say is the more shit he puts me through, just makes me stronger n helps me make my decision easier on if to end our marriage in the near future...

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Jan 01, 2013
Believe In yourself NEW
by: Anonymous

The longer you tolerate this behavior the more
Uncertain you'll feel about your self .You spent
Enough time without him and are capable and
Diserveing of a good and healthy relationship
You and your children Diserve've
Given him enough of your effort he does'nt
Diserve his family to come home too.You don't
Owe him any explanation don't feel bad don't
Blame yourself ,let go and be proud!Theres always
Struggles but he does'nt have to do this any more
To your family.
Read from the New Testament Psalms
Property of the Gideon's for encouragement,direction
And strength ....
Your friend Sari

Jan 01, 2013
Pack up and go.... NEW
by: Anonymous

This is your only solution.....he isn't going to change this behavior and it is obvious.....

most men who do this once will say they are very sorry and tell you they will never do it again, and they wont do it again because they love the woman...

but men who say this and do not live by it are not only cheaters they are liars as they will not change...

get out while you can and find someone who meets your expectations and nothing less.......

good luck....

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