Required to fill out another application while on the job

by Anonymous

My husband has been with a company now for three months. I would sure like to know what is going on but I always thought that after you fill out the application, they review it & then hire you.

My husband just called me & told me corporate just called him & wants him to fill out a new application to see if he is telling the truth.

Someone please tell me what the heck is going on! Because his co-driver or team driver does not have to fill that out, so why does my husband?

I always thought that when you fill out an application, they review it & then they hire you. Please someone help me with info.

Thank you.

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Sep 03, 2013
mmm NEW
by: Anonymous

they probably misplaced his last application and need it for their files and dont want to admit their of course as idiots do, they pass the blame and make up ridiculous reasons why he needs to redo it....just a thought..

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