Red Light Camera

by roy
(san bernadino california)

Red light camera question. If a red light camera catches you in company truck ticket naturally goes to company as they are registered owner.

At this point driver of vehicle is unknown and naturally company is going to want you to reimburse them for fine. Will they and are they obligated to tell agency sending ticket who driver is and then you will be charged points.

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Nov 06, 2012
Red light camera NEW
by: Anonymous

Any moving violation u incur in a company truck is your responsibilty in the case of a redlight camera when the company gets that ticket they will requier you to pay the fine or depending on that companys policy they might just hand it to you and you handle it but by no means will they cover it and they are required to report it to dmv and you will be charged points im not sure how many and if you work for a ligitimate company they report it to there insurance company also.due to the fact trucking companys insurance carriers have limits on how many points a companys drivers can have to remain employed different amounts for different companys depends on the insurance carrier so you want to try to get less tickets or none at all in order to remain employed hope that helps good luck

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