Owning a semi with no road time

by Sean Lang
(Augusta ,GA ,Richmond )

The insurance company that my Brother is with who has his own authority and semi truck with want me to have experience on the road.

I'm the owner of another semi truck and plan on adding my truck under him and contracting out the job to an experienced driver.

Can I put the truck under a company name of mine or is there any other options than putting the truck under someone else's name?

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Aug 16, 2016
You are going to get a good taste...
by: Anonymous

...of the POWER and AUTHORITY of an Insurance Carrier for a commercial vehicle.

Good luck with that.

I have my own rig but I carry Hazmat AND I run out of State (Interstate)

Wanna take a guess at how much coverage I have vs. how much your brother or most any other carrier has?

How about my monthly premiums?

What percentage of PM pay do you think goes to my insurance carrier?

And to top that I off, I shopped and shopped and shopped.... all the same

I have 35 years of CLEAN driving... no tickets, accidents, drugs, alcohol..

I carry ALL endorsements, TWIC, and TSA and a Passport...and I am still getting raped by my insurance carrier

I don't know what your solution will be, but without experience all I can think of is putting another driver in your truck. You can't fake it either because they will probably want to interview him themselves before they cover him...

I'm being sarcastic, but they will want ALL of your driver's info.. and he will have to be SQUEAKY CLEAN.... and you will probably STILL have issues...

Insurance carriers.... are you also aware of all of the other costs you are going to have?

Trucking is not for the faint of heart, you won't get rich with today's rates... do you have a truck and trailer payment also? A family?

I'd probably sell the truck and go drive for someone for a while... like maybe let your brother buy your truck and you try to get on with a BIG company that will train you and cover you...

You couldn't sell your truck to your brother and DRIVE for him because HIS insurance carrier won't cover you either

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