Owner Operator insights from ye ole tree climer

by ye ole tree climer
(New Hampshire)

beware of brokers that have their own trucks on the road you maybe getting the junk loads as he gives his drivers the better ones, this happen to me.

when I got back to the office I was a little up set and needless to say he didn't show up for three days for work. knew I would be waiting for him.

He was a Broker Dispatcher for a larger company, I was not the only one caught up in this. Other drivers had the same pulled on them and lost a lot of money with junk loads so beware.

it is not easy out there being an owner Operator, you r not just the driver but its your own business.

so you get caught up in billing, dispatching(your self) and sometimes loading. its not easy, your also the bookkeeper.

there are good parts about it, but be carefull and watch others how they work it.

like the man said you pay all the bills, fuel,oil change,repairs,tolls,and all the taxes at the end of the year.

I lasted for 7years and sold out for a profit luckily.

I then went with a union company, and made as much as I did pay all the fright.

not only that I'm now old and retired with a pension each month. so when you make your choice like the man said learn before you earn.

well that's my 2 cents ye ole tree climer.

trucking over 30 years.

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Jun 05, 2012
to you young drivers so strong and bold NEW
by: ye ole tree climer


To you young drivers so stong and bold, listen to my stoies unfold.

The road is mass of pavment you have to face going from place to place.

Just out of school thinkling ye ole timers you can fool,class room full of young people like you day after day, now young pup get out an earn your pay.

The truck is ready for you this day, you'll soon find out its not just play.

Long hours as they unfold,setting in the seat so proud and bold. Listen to ye ole drives as they
help you along,they have been there by being so strong.

The miles roll on down the pavment you go,So young at heart you'll give them a show. turn after turn away you go,the more you learn the more you'll know.

Listen to ye ole driver from time to time.

Miles an miles down the road, you'll not have much time to flert, listen to ye ole drive he'll keep you form hurt.

The truck is running like a kitten as you press down on the peddel it barks like a dog, Time to pull over and fill out your log.

The scales are open all hours of the day,not knowing how ong they'll stay. Listen to ye ole driver an you will hear,may aswell pull over an stay a spell.

You'll wake an hour or two, hopeing dot is closed rolled up an through. As you shift it in to gear with out any fear, HAAAAAAAAA the truck stops not fare from her.

Liste to ye ole driver,the wards of wisdom from time to time,if you pay attion you'll make a dime.

Now theses days the cell phone you use to call ahead,hopeing they have a shower an bed.dinners are of the past, But you young drivers junk food at last.

Listen to ye ole driver, as you step on the tanks getting out of the rig you'll wanna look up an give thanks.

Now getting to your stop with no problem at all,you stand in frunt of the dispatcher so mighty an toll. you back your rig in to the dock,knowing the time is clicking on the clock.

Time to get rolling to the next stop,over the mountians top. down the mountian with all kinds of snow my truck not know wich way to go.

I hold on tight to the wheel doing my best I wounder if i will make the nest crest.

listen to ye ole driver,and you can rest you''ll end up being the best.

ye ole tree climer. for you young driver that have an idea, listen to ye ole driver and you'll reach the next gear.

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