OTR driver of 2 years and now he’s changed. Heartbroken

by Michelle

When The Relationship Changes...

When The Relationship Changes...

My husband bought his own truck and became OTR. I support him wholeheartedly and have this entire time. I will continue to do so but now he has changed.

Our intimate life has changed dramatically. I ride with him now and he barely wants to touch me. Says he is so stressed about everything and thinking about everything all the time.

I don’t know what to do. I am not getting the attention from him that I desire and I’m not sure how to handle this.

Please help.

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Aug 06, 2018
I Stopped Riding Because...
by: Anonymous

I am a truckers girlfriend of 2 years. When I ride with him he hardly talks or touches me. Not even a frn kiss.

When I stay home he calls every night; is sweet; tells me he loves me, and we have good sex when he gets home. He treats me special and says he needs to focus on his driving when he’s working.

I figure I can do things, see people, etc.

If I stay home,

Mar 12, 2018
That Could Be Temporary
by: Hervy

I will tell you what I think is happening, but first I want to say...

I think as long as you are supportive and reassure him that he made a logical decision he will calm down and return to himself again.

You are riding with him. That's awesome. Many women say the exact same thing but they are at the house.

It's hard for them to believe that he is not cheating. You know for a fact that he is not. Hopefully other women will read this.

I will tell you what I believe might be happening.

He is not sure he made the right decision. Maybe there has been breakdowns or he is not making the money he expected.

Or everything could be going fine but he is just nervous or worried that something WILL go wrong and he can't handle it.

Perhaps there is no breakdown money set aside. If he has been watching videos of others having problems then having no money set aside could produce anxiety etc.

So I think if you give it a little more time and ask him questions about how things are going(and affirm that you support him regardless), he might soften up.

Reasure him that you believe in his vision and understand that it might not work out perfect or that there will be challenges, he might feel less pressure to get everything perfectly right the first time with his own truck.

Hang in there and try to enjoy the journey. Understand this is likely temporary.

Don't get me wrong, if I were talking to him, I would suggest that he take into account your needs and feelings. I am not talking to him. So I can only tell you how you might make the situation better.

My CD does tell him exactly what he needs to hear though which is what you would want him to understand.

See if you can just get him to listen to this

Even though your situation is not as similar to what I am talking about, there are a lot of messages in it that apply.

Especially the part about nurturing the relationships and treasuring a good woman when you have one.

Also, you can read this page together.
Be a better man

Don't know how you're going to ease into that without it seeming like you are complaining though.

Ask him what can you do to make him more sexually attractive to him. Maybe his response will reveal what the issue is or help him realize that he is holding back.

Good luck.

If you want my CD you can search for it on Amazon.com Then you can just pop it in and listen to it together without him feeling that you are trying to fix the situation. (which we as men tend not to like)

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