Not perfect but almost

When my man is home we just hang out the whole time, we go places visit family, spend Time with our two year old.

Sometimes he will drive all night to get home, rush us to get ready, and surprise us with some wonderful outing (which means he is staying awake for like 36-48hours so we can have fun) he just does wonderful things for us.

When he gets home he always brings our daughter a whole bag of candy because I don't usually let her have it.

When he is in the truck, I call and wake him up when it is time, we talk most of the day or night whichever he is driving and he talks to our daughter every day.

We do argue sometimes like other people just about different things, usually because I don't understand something he doesn't want to explain. But I love him and our life together.

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Jan 28, 2015
thanks for your post NEW
by: megan

Very helpful thank you !

Dec 05, 2013
Making it work NEW
by: Hervy

Wow, thanks for that awesome post.

(I don't agree with him giving her candy, one parent shouldn't allow something the other parent don't....working against each other...)

However, it looks like you guys have a wonderful balance of looking out for each other and trying to keep things fresh. Awesome.

I think you will grow very old together. Reminiscing about all the fun you had as a younger couple!

Do offer your advice to other couples along your journey. You have a lot to give that will change lives.

Thanks so much for sharing

Dec 04, 2013
happy life NEW
by: Anonymous

very happy to hear you are happy and life is good to you!! keep up the communication and things will be just fine!

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