Northern Prejudice

by Joe
(glendale Heights, Il)

I'm considering getting into the trucking industry. One of my uncles drove a truck for 30 years retiring about 15 years ago. He told me I might have a hard time out on the road because I've grown up in the Chicago area, and wouldn't be considered one of the "good ol'boys". Is there really a prejudice against northerners? I woudn't think there would be, everyone is out on the road for a reason, but figured I'd ask for the professionals honest opinon.

Look forward to your answers,

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Jan 27, 2009
Good Ol Boys are played out
by: hervy

I agree, unc needs to get out more. LOL

"Shut up you damn yankee", on the CB radio is about the worst I would warn you about out here. Other than that, your good. Really, I don't know if you will get that being from Chi town. Usually people from the New England states get ragged on and that's when they say something someone doesn't like or is talking trash anyway.

The good ol boys are way out numbered by the new diversity of drivers and younger generation of drivers who get along with each other much better. (with room for improvement of course)

Jan 27, 2009
thanks jimmy
by: Joe

Thanks for the assurance Jimmy. Thats kinda what I figured, but thought I would ask. Yeah, my family is a little crazy, and my uncle may be a little set in his ways. That generation grew up in differant times.

Thanks again, and drive safe.

Jan 27, 2009
Joe's from Chi
by: Jimmy

Hey Joe, I'm not trying to be rude, but I think your uncle has been living in a cave. There is no prejudice against "northerners" as you call yourself. There are trucks in all 50 states and truck drivers that live in all 50 states.

Every once in a while, you may hear a remark about someone being a "Yankee". That always comes from a southerner, and is usually in jest. Some of those southerners think we're still fighting the civil war. Many still fly the confederate flag. But you won't have any probelm in trucking, just because you live in Chicago. Jimmy

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