New Trucker's Wife

by Deborah

I am new to the trucking business. My life was rather simple an 8 to 5 job and then I met a man from Maine who was and is a trucker. So far I have been on every trip with him and I have found this very interesting to say the least. Some issues in the trucking business I don't understand for instance we have a pickup appointment and when we get there the product is not ready and we wait for hours. I just want to go in the place and fix it! The hours on the road have got boring at times but that is when I play on the computer or read a book. I have seen some beautiful sunsets not much into what the sun looks like coming up - not a morning person. I may not travel with him all the time but for now being newly married I want to go with him. We have no minor children to worry about so nothing to keep me home. I understand how that would be difficult. Ladies this life on the road is not an easy one, driving for hours going from one truck stop to another. I fell in love with my husband by talking on the phone and writing e-mails and you know I believe that you learn more about your husband by this type of communication. When things don't go as we want then or had them planned out we say "Well that's truckin'

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Jan 25, 2010
Glad to have you on board
by: Jennifer S

So very glad to hear from a positive and upbeat woman :)

Please feel free to join our facebook. We have a wonderful group of women. It is a wealth of information, and a wonderful way to connect, when at times you may feel disconnected.

Hope to see you there.


Jan 25, 2010
by: Darlene

I am from Maine and met my man while he was dropping off a load up there. I moved to the south to be closer to him. Ive gotten to ride a few times and i love it.

You are dead on about falling in love over the phone and emails. It really opens the communication up. You have to be honest and open in this kind of relationship. Those phone calls, endless ones that keep coming, talking for hours on end, they have helped us build a foundation so much stronger than if we lay together every night. I never wonder if its only physical attraction. It is that but so much more.

I love seeing positive messages on here!!!

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