New to the trucking world

by April

My trucker and I met online in late November of 2008 so it hasn't been long, but the time that we have been together has been gut wrenching to say the least. I always told myself that I would not get involved with someone who wasn't home every night. However, I fell in love with this man right away. We only saw eachother 8 days in the month of December and less in January. Waiting for him to tell me when he's coming home is agonizing and watching him get back in that truck to go again is even worse. I cry everyday and go through my lonely anger spells. It's been tough to accept that this may be what I have to live with for years to come and I've thought about giving up, but I love him too much. I read through this website and found a lot of what it said to be true. This web site has emphasized the "trucker's life" and how much understanding the spouse must have but what hasn't emphasized is the life at home. The responsibilities, child rearing, full time job, chores... It takes alot to maintain a family life on one's own which in turn needs equal understanding from the trucker. I have a real tough time with this adjustment but I am trying my hardest to accept it. The adjustment process has been challenging and has taken it's toll on our relationship but I am still hanging in there. Truckers jobs are just as important as everyone else's. Everyone's job makes this world go round in some fashion. It takes a lot of strength and determination from both sides to make a relationship work where one spouse travels. Good luck to everyone in a "trucker's life" and thank you to all the hard work and hours these people put in.

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Jan 22, 2009
Ahhh Keith and I met online as well ;)
by: Jennifer Schnittker

When Keith and I met, we met---much like you---ONLINE. Interesting how many very awesome people you can meet---friends, spouses, IDIOTS--Welcome to the site, hope you and yours stay safe


Jan 21, 2009
He's trucking , I'm home
by: Jimmy

Hi April, well as you can see, it's a hard adjustment when 2 loved ones are apart. Now you only met in Nov, and have only seen each other 10 or 12 times, so don't get ahead of yourself. But lets just say you two are a perfect match.

Well, is he absolutely going to stay O.T.R. forever ? Would he maybe go local? Would you consider learning to drive and run with him? And I damn sure hope he is sincere. That he's not playing you.

Just take it slow, don't jump into anything. I know when I was married and O.T.R. I damn sure appreciated my woman at home tending to the home front and I let her know. He misses you as much as you miss him. Trust is all important. Good luck. Jimmy

Jan 21, 2009
an idea
by: Ladyinleppard

I dont know what you do for a living but if you are able to then you can get licensed and become a team.You make more money as teams and some companies will even let him train you himself.Just an idea if that what you both would want to do.

You may have kids or whatever and not be able to but its an idea. I am going into it with my hubby :) good luck to you

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