New relationship and now he's starting OTR.

by Amanda

Hello ladies! I hope someone can help ease my mind. My boyfriend and I have been together for about four months and we have a great relationship.

We already spend nearly every day together, at least 4 or 5 days a week. We are both divorced and have our own kids but will never have any together.

He decided to get his CDL and since he's new, he could only get OTR offers. He is beginning his training and it's already difficult.

Problem is, when he was in the Military he had a girl that he was supposed to return for 6 months later and she didn't wait for him. He is extremely concerned I will do the same.

I know I can only say so much to ease his mind but I have fears he will get out on the road and forget about me. Does absence really make the heart grow fonder in these situations?

I also worry because his ex wife always wants him back and I know seeing his kids will become less and less. I know I'm rambling and this situation is out of my control. I guess I want to know, will he miss me and what I can I do to make this easier on him and I?

Thank you so much for any advice. And kudos to all of you who do this day in, and day out.

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May 06, 2013
know how it is NEW
by: Anonymous

I know how you feel. I've been with my boyfriend going on 7 months. We've had are ups & downs but all in all it works out in the end. I trust hin & he trust me. I only get to see him if I'm lucky 2 days a week. No kids yet.

Mar 18, 2013
It's mixed NEW
by: Anonymous

Sometimes absence makes the heart fonder and some times it just doesn't...only time will tell...not something you can predict..its up to 2 people and what lengths they are willing to go to to make things work....

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