new girlfriend of a trucker in Topeka

by Jessica Rae
(Topeka, KS)

I have had absolutely no experience with this lifestyle before now. I just met him this past weekend and I swear to you ladies fireworks! :)

Now, I've read a lot of posts here already. He seems like a good guy. He told me he doesn't go for "lizzard lots?" and he wants kids eventually. I have none and never married.

I think for now, I'll be okay. Seems I have to get used to the not so much contact when he's gone. From what I can tell I need to get hobbies, read, workout, do stuff for me to keep my mind entertained so I don't just sit around going I miss my man. boo hoo :)

I think it's better so far than dating a jerk or two. As long as he treats you good ladies, I stay try and make it work! I really need girlfriends out here!

I'm originally from MI, and things get lonely without many friends and now I have a boyfriend that I don't want to mess things up with, I would rather not hang around dudes.

Is there anyone out there reading this in the area that wouldn't mind chatting and possibly meeting in person?

Women need each others company! Men can't provide same level of stress relief as a female can! Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus! Women need to chat it up with each other!

What a great website to facilitate that! Contact me!

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Apr 08, 2012
i apologize NEW
by: Stephanie

I am sorry. Didn't mean to bring anything back, just trying to connect with people.

The same thing happened to me, didn't hear from him for 2 1/2 months.

Again I apologize for bringing things up.

Apr 08, 2012
nice reminder NEW
by: Anonymous

this is a joke. I havent heard from him in a month and a half now..?

Apr 08, 2012
Also a trucker's girlfriend NEW
by: Stephanie

I am not from your area but would like some friends who understand how it feels to be in a simialr position as me.

There have been a couple times where the communication lacked and I wanted to throw in the towel. But when I hear his voice I just melt.

We have been together for almost 1 year, he has been driving for 8 months and has been home 2 times.

The biggest thing I have learned is to have an understanding of the fact that plans change. So I took things in my own hands. Whenever he was within an hour of home but couldn't come home, I would head to the truck stop that he was at.

My biggest fears were anything happening to him and a fear of the 'lot lizzards'. But I trust him and know he wouldn't do anything with them.

If you are interested in talking my email is

Feb 06, 2012
trying again NEW
by: Jessica

well we made up. I feel soo much for him. I told him I wanted more communication, at least once a day. its hard when hes gone, but soo worth it when hes around. hoping it'll get better/easier.

Feb 04, 2012
done NEW
by: Jessica

well unfortunately he wasn't willing to call or txt on a reglar basis so we're through and im seeing someone in town instead. good luck!

Feb 03, 2012
Support NEW
by: Mia

I dont live in your area but wouldn't mind emailing or fb. My relationship is rather new but his experience as a trucker is not.
So far everything I have read also says stay busy and develope yourself as a person. We've been doing this for about a month now and I haven't even seen him yet (he's supposed to be here at the end of February)
I have a best friend who is also a trucker and his wife is great with the advice:
Stay Busy
Keep in contact: but not too much (a couple of phone calls a day because you dont want to run out of things to say)
Be a good listener but also make sure he allows you to share
Be prepared for plans to go astray: He may have an order that cancels out his hometime. Dont berate him for it-he probably feels just as bad
This was some of the advice given to me from a truckers' wife of 15 years.
My facebook name is mia adorno if you wish to contact me. Good luck!

Jan 30, 2012
been too long NEW
by: Anonymous

going on week 3 of this trucker job. (without being able to see each other) Found out it is his first. He just finished training and should be getting his truck soon. I really care for him alot, but it definately does get lonely. He said he doesnt know when he will get time to see me for sure. This worries me. When I was first asked to be his girl, he told me two weeks he would be gone. I think at this point he is tired and wanting a break, but he's a hard worker and wont fall short of the companies expectations of him. Any supportive comments are greatly appreciated.

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