Need advice for a truckers wife ready to ride OTR for a week ladies?

by Kim Foster
(Thomson, GA)

I am finally getting the opportunity to ride with my husband for a week. I have been on a day trip before but never out that long. Any advice on what to bring along??? Thanks!

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Feb 08, 2011
What i brought with me
by: Stephanie

I went out OTR with my boyfriend for a month back in November and really u just need the stuff u use at home, clothes, extra shoes, jacket, pillow, blanket, makeup, other bathroom essentials, phone car charger, female items, a container that closes tightly with a wide mouth to go to the bathroom in if he can't stop. Perishable food like soup is good and a cooker that u can plug into a cigarette lighter, def items to keep u entertained like books and music and a camera with extra batteries. If u come across sumthing else u may end up needing, truck stops usually have a lot of items u may need. Or there's plenty of Walmarts all across the country. I actually ended up bringing more then I needed. A bag to carry ur shower items is helpful also. And make sure u wear sandals or shower shoes in the showers at truck stops! They are clean for the most part but u never know! Plenty of paper towels r def important. And for the days where there isn't much time to shower, baby wipes are great to use to freshen up. Hope I could have been of sum help! Enjoy your trip!!!

Nov 02, 2010
A good book
by: Chris

Best thing I can tell you is all of the comment above plus a good book you have been wanting to read (but havn't had time). There will be times when he needs to sleep and your not ready. And most of all you will need a coffee can and toilet paper because alot of times he cannot not stop or your in some industrial park where you cannot go. Some places do not have a convienient place where a woman can go and feel comfortable.

Jan 15, 2010
Needed things.
by: Jimmy

Whatever you need at home, you'll need in a truck. However, on a much lesser scale. 1 or 2 pairs of shoes,not 10. 1 jacket, not 5. No dress-up clothes needed. Toothbrush, shampoo, soap, bedding, camera, Xtra pair eyeglasses if you wear glasses. Better to travel light, since you're only sitting/sleeping in the truck most of the time. Jimmy

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