My wife is pregnant can I get home for birth if I do psd for prime inc

by C dog

Can I get home to see my first child be born if I'm attending Prime inc. psd or tnt

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Apr 08, 2016
Leaving training for emergency NEW
by: Hervy

Congratulations on the baby!

That is a known possible event not an emergency. I doubt they would be thrilled to go along with that because they would say, you should have either waited until after the baby was born to guarantee that you were there or decided that you might miss it.

That however, is my guess.

The best thing to do is ask them the same question, and get it in writing.

If it was me and I wanted to be home when the baby is born, I just wouldn't leave until after. That is the only sure way.

Besides, if you go home you will have to pay for it more than likely. That's extra expense. Might as well wait until the baby is born and be there for your wife.

It's better she is without stress while carrying the baby anyway. The state of her health has an impact on the child. Extra stress means cortisol in the blood stream which is transferred

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