My Prince Charming Swept me Away in a Rig

by lori

Hi everyone! I was just browsing around tonight and I cam across this website. I'm engaged to a wonderful man who has been driving trucks for the last 10 years of his life. It is all he knows!

We have been together for the last three years and we are going to marry when I graduate from college next Spring! I currently reside with him along with my two daughters from a previous relationship. They love and adore him deeply.

They also admire his work. It is not easy with him being gone every day and night even though he drives the East Coast mostly--however our relationship stays strong. I pass my time with school, working part time and keeping up a house with three dogs that like to get into trouble all the time.

Here's the funny thing on how we met. We actually met on a dating website called Plenty of Fish. I would have never thought in a million years that the man I exchanged a few words with would turn out to be my future soul mate.

He didn't have much time to date and I was ready to date again although I was just starting school. When he told me he was a truck driver and that his ex cheated on him--I was shocked. I was shocked because how wonderful of a person he is and that she was the cat that played with he was away. I was lucky to get the chance to have a first date with him!

Before I met him, I couldn't stand riding behind a trucker. After being with him, my eyes are wide open now. I have a new look on truckers and respect them. It is not easy when they work long, hard days and nights sometimes days on end with no rest. I am happy to be a trucker's girl!

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Jul 11, 2013
Foumd my prince too NEW
by: Tori

Just wanted to say hi and thanks for the encouraging words. I met my new boyfriend of 2 months on a dating site as well,not POF. And I have to say that I never would of thought my prince charming would of rode in on a huge white truck. It has been amazing how we connected from the very first meeting. And at first I was worried about not seeing him very often but I actually think it has made us really get to know each other better.And communication is wonderful between the two of us. So I am finally a happy girl. And I think finally I found a Prince..

May 08, 2013
So did mine. NEW
by: Anonymous

Hello I to found my prince on POF sweet dating site. He was a driver then and he came off the road for awhile. He is also from NC and I was from VA. He moved up to VA in 2006 and we married in 2010. We have had our ups and downs but we truly love each other. I have been out on the road with him and I do love it and we have so much in common. Its hard to believe that there are atleast 2 couples from that web site. I highly recommened it. Anyway I hope you will continue to be happy with your love. Best of luck.

May 08, 2013
So did mine. NEW
by: Anonymous

Hello I to found my prince on POF sweet dating site. He was a driver then and he came off the road for awhile. He is also from NC and I was from VA. He moved up to VA in 2006 and we married in 2010. We have had our ups and downs but we truly love each other. I have been out on the road with him and I do love it and we have so much in common. Its hard to believe that there are atleast 2 couples from that web site. I highly recommened it. Anyway I hope you will continue to be happy with your love. Best of luck.

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