My huband is considering trucker Life. Advice?

by Amanda

To start my husband and I have a very good relationship. He is the cheese to my macaroni, love of my life best friend.

Before him I was a single mother with 2 kids. So taking care of children by myself was what I'm used to .

We are looking to get hubby into Trucking school at the moment and we know that for at least the first year he'll have to go OTR. He and I have a 2 year old son.

My plans for while my husband is away is to go back to school. I work as a nurse's aid at a hospital it is my hope to cut back on my hours since he'll be making more money and complete my nursing degree.

we know we have a hard road ahead (pun mostly not intended) I'm not worried about taking care of kids or home by myself but worried about missing him.

How does everyone else make distance work for them. Advice?

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Jul 16, 2017
Communication and understanding is important
by: Anonymous

Communication is so important when your with a trucker. My fiancé is an otr driver. He's gone 4 weeks and then home a week. We don't have bio kids together but I have 2 from a previous marriage and it's hard. It was harder in the beginning....much but it does get easier.

I just missed him so much. FaceTime and calling daily is imperative.

Also, my guy get super tired and cranky sometimes after he's been driving so being patient is important. When he comes home the main thing he wants to do is shower, eat a good meal and watch tv with me on the couch then sleep and sleep.

It get annoying always attending my kids sporting events by myself, grocery shopping by myself, everything by myself. Then when he's home he doesn't want to do much, which I get.

Truck driving does wear them out. Just make sure to keep the relationship alive the best you can.

Jul 04, 2017
Dutch Maid Logistics,Willard,OH
by: Anonymous

Forgot this one:
Dutch Maid Logistics in Willard,OH may still have a cdl training program; it's worth a phone call.

Jul 04, 2017
Trucking school; OTR
by: Anonymous

He doesn't have to be OTR; he might run local or regional. Here's some ideas:
Millis Transfer has school in Trenton,OH and it's a pretty good company that runs the eastern states. New drivers there say it's pretty easy to make $50K+ per year. All you need is $500.00 for fees. The school provides lodging and meals.

If he attends private cdl school, JRayL has local jobs and a guaranteed minimum weekly paycheck. Don't know the details on the minimum weekly pay; you'll have to call and ask.

Also, if he attends private cdl school, West Side Transport is a good outfit and also has a guaranteed minimum weekly pay that's about $1000 or better. I think JRayL is the same.

Carter Express has their own cdl school and a good reputation with new drivers.

TMC has their own cdl school and home weekends.

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