Living Hell

by Earth
(Lancaster pa.)

I have been married to a truck driver for nine years. It has been a living he'll. He has been a company driver in the past and came home a few days throughout the week.

It was horrible because he was tired and yelled at me after trying to wake him up for over an hour. Later down the road he became an owner operator and is only home two days a month.

I beg him to get off the road or already find a more balanced situation because I need him in my life more after having stillbirth.

He refused and I became psychotic features. He knew there was something wrong with me but did nothing but yell at me for not filling out a loan document for him while he was on the road.

I was on the edge of life and death while he hopped up in to his Peterbuilt said something about the best paying load ever and he was gone and so was my will to live this fake marriage to an absentee husband and father to our eight year old.

The job is worth it to get a family out of dire straights but choosing a career driver with workaholic traits will destroy your life as well as your children's lives.

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Mar 14, 2014
.... NEW
by: Anonymous

I cant say I know how you feel but I do understand your worries. Please find help from someone who can help...pastor, counselor, friend who will listen. dont try to get through this on your own. if anything happens to you your child will pay for it indirectly....when your strong enough to make major life decisions you know you will not be making them in haste and moving on will be a bit easier for you and child first...he can take care of himself.

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