Left at scalehouse alone over the weekend

by Sharlen Van Wert
(Evensdale, Iowa)

Had a failure to appear for a ticket so when at a DOT Scalehouse, I was left from Friday to Monday, alone in summer heat with no food, or bathroom facilities.

Is this right?

Monday, the same officer escorted me to a flying J, after telling me he thought my company was paying my ticket.

Friday I pleaded for a ride to the post office three miles away and was refused saying we’re not a taxi service and on the other side of the Interstate so couldn’t get there myself.

I just find this to protect and serve as cruel and unusual punishment, on a 66 year old female solo driver.

Know I was wrong for not paying that ticket but think DOT was wrong in their treatment also.

If he can escort me to a safe haven on Monday, why not on Friday when stopped? Good

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Aug 29, 2018
Let's go thru this scenario.
by: Jimmy

Hi, sorry to hear about you problem. I'm slightly confused though. You were held up at a scale because you have a unpaid ticket, so were you being held there able to access your truck ?

Were you told not to leave the scale until what ? Were you suppose to stay there until other police agents came for you ?

Also, the police aren't babysitters. Or Uber drivers. Anyway good luck..Jimmy

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