It sucks being a trucker's wife - falling out of love, don't know what to do

Being the wife of a trucker sucks! I googled "my husband is a truck driver and I'm falling out of love with him because he's never home, what can I do?" And I found this site off of my google search so I'm just going to rant here.

We've been married for 4 years, he was trucking for fires and gone 3 months at a time, fire season ended, and now he's working at a new company where he's gone 6 days, home for 10 hours, and gone again.

As pathetic As it sounds, I cry myself to sleep a lot. I feel anger, lonliless, and horny! I raise our 20 month old every single day alone. I'm pretty much single, just not having to pay bills as I'm stay-at-home mom.

Life is hard, and it sucks bad. I hate this shit!! And what's even worse?! He drives at nights and sleeps during days, so we talk on the phone maybe 10 minutes a day, and that's right when he is getting up and I'm going to bed.

I'm falling out of love and I don't know what to do. :(

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Jun 18, 2016
Mine makes me cringe and barf all at the same time NEW
by: Anonymous

I wish trucking was like the military getting deployed except military gets deployed for a year without coming home. I sure wish trucking companies did not allow home time. I am to the point that I cringe when he touches me, since the kids are away at college, I sleep in one of their rooms when he's home for hometime and I lock the bedroom door because I told him to keep his damn paws to himself that he makes me puke, even the neighbors can't stand him, one of the neighbors called the police and told them he was parked illegally somewhere and his company called him to tell them they received a call that someone turned him in and I found out who called on him after he left from hometime to go back out on the road and I approached the neighbor asking what's up, why did he do what he did, and he said to me he hates my husband because he's a trucker and he hates truckers because they are scum, all they are are paid whore chasers, they screw all the lot lizards out there & my neighbor asked me if I was mad at him, I told him nope, I was proud of him!

Jun 14, 2016
I fell out of love too NEW
by: Anonymous

I wouldn't fret over it. I, too, fell out of love with my OTR trucker. Sick and tired of his yelling, ranting and taking things out on me when it is all his fault. Enjoy your days without him. Everyone I know, whether at the supermarket, bank, etc. all say how can any woman out there call themselves a trucker's wife, ewww, they get a bad reputation and it is in their blood meaning once they go out over the road and stay out, the other truckers they meet at truck stops and terminals become their other family because someone told me once that when these truckers are over the road they have all their needs met that they don't need their families or home time - sex from lot lizards or other female truck drivers, laundry, showers, dining, and this person that told me this was not a wife or a driver but worked with someone that was related to a trucker! And also I have noticed mine has totally changed, EVERYTHING has to be his way such as he wants sex the way he wants, no such thing as talking to him and reasoning and plus mine wants sex at all hours so I barely get enough sleep and I rejoice when he goes back out on the road from being home for hometime and when you have to get up for work the next day, that is really inconsiderate but of course mine looks at it like he does no wrong! Everyone tells me being married to these guys, you are better off being single because there is NO communicating and reasoning with these guys, so as I can see both you and I share the same feelings toward our OTR trucker husbands!

Jun 12, 2016
Hang in there NEW
by: Anonymous

I've been with my otr trucker for almost 2 years and I know it's hard. It's very important that the next time hes home you talk to him about how you're feeling. Communication is so important in these kinds of relationships. Home for 10 hours isn't enough. Maybe he can talk to his employer about giving him at least a full 24 hours off. Never hurts to ask. I go to sleep alone most nights as well. My truckers gone for over a month at a time. I also have 2 kids to take care of and a job. It's hard! Being at home and taking care of the baby and all the other home responsibilities is just as important as what he's doing. I'm sure he's sensing how you feel but you guys have got to talk through this for the sake of your marriage. I'm sure that for him being on the road is hard and I'm sure he's missing you and your little one. My trucker is the night driver as well so what I do is take a nap whenever I can, during the day, so I can stay up later talking to him. Maybe you could nap when your baby naps or ask family for help watch the little one. Just don't give up yet. You're not alone in how you're feeling. It does get lonely and overwhelming. Just remember he's doing what he's doing to provide for his family. Some guys get their self worth from being able to provide. I hope things work out for you and that you start to fall back in love again.

Jun 11, 2016
Truckers Wife NEW
by: Anonymous

It's not easy being the wife of a truck driver, always alone especially at night, but it does help to talk with other wives who know what you are going through, also it helps to remember that he too is serving this country by keeping it going, without him this country would fall all because of his job. But most of all, you should remember why you fell in love with him in the first place, write it on paper and hang it where you will see it everyday. Daily reminders help slot. And also remember that you are NOT ALONE, many of us suffer the same as you, and when your man is gone he too is suffering the same loss of family time as you, in fact it's worse for them, at least you are with you beautiful child everyday and he can't be.I know, my husband has been OTR for 10 years, we stay in love with each other out of choice, a choice only the 2 of you can make together. I wish you the best, and if you want you can email me at, I'll talk with you anytime Sincerely Vanessa Mason

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