is it legal for my company to display my name and my citation for others to see

by chris
(greenville sc)

my trucking company displays names of drivers with the citation for others to see

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Oct 21, 2012
Oh I see
by: Anonymous

This is a company tactic to put fear into other drivers, and punishment for you. Sad affair this company you work for. Is this rule written and implemented in company policy, and did you sign a waiver to accept this line of punishment if you were to receive any type of citation?

Read the employment package you filled out for this company to see if you did or not. If this is not part of company policy, and they just decided to do this of their own free will,(like most lower level ignorant managers do) then you have an option to go to your Human Resource Department to question why this is happening.

Ask them how long the citation will be posted for others to view.

Remember the saying "well I didn't sign up for this" it holds true to some situations. If you are in fear of losing your job, by taking it to another level, well you'll have to suck it up.

Hope things work out for you!

Oct 20, 2012
Unwanted Display of Information
by: Anonymous

The company I drive for displays any information about drivers citations for other drivers to see. They list names and their offense.

My citation was given to me in Ca. for being in the wrong lane. In Ca. a truck is required to stay in the right lane.

I passed another truck and did not return to the right lane as quickly as the officer thought I should. I have only had one ticket in 1999 and was hoping to keep my record clean as I plan to retire soon.

I am a minister and a spiritual counselor and would rather other drivers not read about my information on a bulletin board. The company believes this display will encourage other drivers to be more careful.

Oct 20, 2012
what type of citation?
by: Anonymous

Some citations are of public record.

Some citations are considered infractions.
Misdemeanors, and felony citations are considered criminal. So any citation that is classified as the latter two are of public record.

In citations that require you to appear in court, your name and citation/case# will be displayed for viewing outside the floor of the courtroom, and the public is able to view this freely as well. We lose some privacy rights when we commit crimes and the depending on states.

So I guess if your citation was for excessive speeding or driving under the influence, he can display this information as freely as the courts do for everyone to see. He is not legally allowed to display your SS#! You did not explain clearly what took place, so not much anyone can say about your situation.

So what is it? Was your citation an "infraction" a less severe ticket, misdemeanor or felony? This should answer your question.

Oct 20, 2012
by: Anonymous

Have you asked them why they are doing this? How are they benefiting from this act? If its malicious, you may want to find out why?

Even if you are not on good terms with them, you can ask them why they are doing this... so you have an answer, and then contact a lawyer with your findings....

Oct 20, 2012
New Rules for Truck Drivers
by: David M. Engler

Hi !

First contact a lawyer specialize in trucking
laws BEFORE you go any futher in legal issue !

Keep it legal in trucking !

David M. Engler

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