Is it an offense for an owner operator Truck driver to drive without drug test

by Mandy

If a driver did not take a drug test before driving his cousins truck as a team would he be committing an offense/crime?

What are they and what are the consequences?

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Apr 04, 2013
by: Joe

It is not a requirement for a medical card to be tested for drugs. Depending on the size of a given company is what determines the requirements for mandatory testing. Or I suppose any company could require drug testing it if they chose too. When hiring on with a company they will tell you what's required by them for you to start driving their truck. The enforcement and liability of this falls on the company and not the driver. If a driver refuses a drug test, now that's a completely different story and is grounds for dismissal.

Apr 04, 2013
by: NickV

Having a medical card while behind the wheel is just as important as having your license. Every driver must have one.

I am not sure what the penalty would be but im sure it would come with a fine and maybe a license suspension until a card was obtained.

They are getting more and more serious about this medical card thing.

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