If you miss the weight station and get a ticket does it go on your driving record

If I'm driving a semi and I happen to drive past the scales and miss them and happen to get a ticket from the California highway patrol, does that citation go on my dmv driving record ?? Do I get any points on my license ??

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May 22, 2015
yes it does NEW
by: Anonymous

It is a failure to obey a hwy sign. That is the lesser charge. Yes i will go on your CDL and also points. You need to go to court for any CDL tickets you received. The court date on the ticket is just a preliminary hearing. You go and plead not guilty. The judge will ask you do you want a trail by judge or jury. Always ask for a trail by jury .it take up to 10 months until your real trail date. 90% of the time the cop you wrote the ticket doesn't show. Meaning your case gets thrown out. Worst case you can get the points removed and fine reduce. Remember ask for a trail by jury this is your rights as a CDL card holder. Never ask for a trail by judge because then the only witness is the cop who wrote the ticket. If you don't want to do this yourself then Google and traffic lawyer in the area you received the ticket. They can go to the preliminary hearing for you and set a trail date. This will cost you a little fee but you can save the points from you license and CSA score

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