I was working with a trainer for approximately three months when I was told to take one last run out to Mexico, Little did I know that this took a turn for the worse

by James comer
(Clearwater, Fl 33771)

I am a new driver. I was working with a trainer for approximately three months when I was told to take one last run out to Mexico, Little did I know that this took a turn for the worse.

I made my way to the terminal in Tennessee and was told to take this one last run with this trainer to drop a load in San Diego.

Because were all aware the DOT has mandated strict rules on the hours of operations of each driver.

To keep this short and sweet I will explain to you that I just finished my legal hours of operation and my partner and I switched off driving in Abilene Texas.

Once we change positions my Co driver reset his His hours of operation. I was extremely tired so I went ahead and went to the sleeper berth with full trust in my partner.

I decided to go ahead and rest up before I had to drive again after his hours of operation.

I was in a sound sleep in the back of the truck, off-duty for DOT standards and at this time we were running as a team driving.

Unfortunately on June 6, 2018. There’s a Wednesday morning we were in the state of New Mexico off of I 10 And what seem to be in the middle of nowhere.

I was sound asleep in the back of the sleeper when I was Woke by the feeling of the emergency bumps on the side of the road. I was coming from the dead of sleep and not real sure what was going on.

I do remember hearing my driver say a few things as I thought the truck veer off to the side of the road. I was very groggy and I didn’t know that he over Corrected the trailer which caused the flatbed to lose control and flipped and landing on its roof.

The driver escaped with no injuries. I wish I could say That was my situation is well.

Unfortunately I was not, I had to wait an unknown amount of time for the fire and EMS to arrive at my side. Like I said earlier in the middle of nowhere so the response time was the delayed.

Once I walk in the back of this truck confused, worried, in such severe pain I would not wish it on any one. I remember looking down at my legs noting that there was nothing trapping them but I had absolutely zero feeling no more movement and both my lower extremities.

At that time I was extremely confused and very very scared. I don’t know what else to do. And I decided that I was going to try to climb myself out as best as I could but I was stopped in my tracks once I realized that the severe pain that I felt and my ribs and most importantly the pain that words can just cannot describe coming from my back.

I knew right at that moment that I was paralyzed with a fractured back along with a fractured ribs and sternum.

Tiny right at that moment that I was paralyzed with a fractured back along with fractured ribs and sternum. I wasn’t sure what to do so I laid there and I could do nothing but think of my family and my beautiful young
13-year-old at home.

I did lay there and cry, I felt hopeless, I wasn’t sure if I’d ever see my family again nor ever get the feel of the hug from my daughter.

I’m give the upmost respect To all the rescue teams no-fault continuously to remove me from the vehicle.

They did transport me in ways of helicopter 80 some miles away to El Paso Texas level one trauma center. I underwent emergency surgery to relieve the compression that was on my spinal cord.

If it wasn’t for all those emergency service on the scene of the accident, the emergency department staff, and the neurological surgical team and I could not stand Nor walk to the state.

I’m very thankful for everyone that has helped me get to where I’m at today. It is not over yet I am still battling with extensive physical therapy multiple doctors appointments and the toughest of all the mental aspect of this.

I was not frustrated at the time of this accident but as time goes on I see how the United States law is it out to help me.

I’m not one For money I just want to get better however, I have noticed I am not the same and I have lost a tremendous amount of finances.

Bill collectors don’t stop nor do they even care what happened to you during this Trumatic part of my life for money I just want to get better however, I have noticed I am not the same and I have lost a tremendous amount of finances.

Bill collectors don’t stop nor do they even care what happened to you during this Trumatic part of my life. I was told that due to the fact that I was off duty sleeping in the sleeper berth of the truck I am covered under workers comp.

My co-driver has an owner operator, his insurance is in his name everything about that truck is about him and only him and not the company.

He is not a company driver he’s a 1099. I’m not sure if I’m gonna be able to do what I like to do for finances but I do know that my daughter has relied on me to provide for her and her mother.

But what do I do now with this chump change of workers comp pay that they decide to give me. Lawyers tell me no it’s Worker’s Comp. there’s nothing I can do but I just don’t understand I’m asking please.

Could anybody give me an insight on what I could do to better off myself and my family until I am completely healed.

Oh did I and mentioned that the recovery process is going to be a approximate two years +0 and one more thing the company after the fact never has Reached out just to say hey how are you.

Please I beg you any information that could be given my way please help me I’m lost and confused right at this moment.

Thank you so much for listening to this I hope my grammar is not too crappy. I look forward to hearing your response. And I can be reached at a Jcomer99@gmail.com

Please I really hope someone out there can relate or have some information on what I could do from here on out thank you so much God bless. James

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Dec 29, 2018
Unfortunate situation
by: Hervy

You can sue him but if he has no money then it will just be a judgement agaisnt him.

I suggest to talk to a lawyer.

Hope things work out and hate you experienced this.

Oct 12, 2018
Unfortunate Tragedy
by: Hervy

Sorry to hear about your unfortunate situation James. If you had any kind of case the lawyer would definitely inform you about that for a cut of the proceeds.

Make sure you talk to several. These commercials that advertise on TV and radio all of the time would be a good way to get a 2nd opinion on the possibilities.

Other than that, this organization helps with people in situations similar to yours.

Beyond that, to supplement your income meanwhile you could try to start online businesses related to your passions.

Ebook, online course, online store, etc.

Wish you the best of luck for a speedy recovery and financial assistance.

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