I want to go back trucking but now afraid I wont make it

by Carlos Wilson
(Holland MI)

i am now working a factory job that is not allowing me to get ahead or I am barely making it. I did not have a g.p.s in the past now I do and I was wondering should I leave my dead end factory job and go trucking or not take the chance considering that I just turned fifty.

I am married, my wife does not work and my youngest son is 19yrs old with one year of high school left. What would you do.

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Jul 23, 2012
Dear Afraid NEW
by: Helonwheels

Face your fears first. Try to figure out what it is your afraid of if you decide to go back to trucking? You can do this by making a list of Pro's and Con's. What is positive about going back and what would be the negative. Then you have a clearer picture of what would hold you back from this life change or not hold you back.

Life is a continuous cycle of change and quite frankly we have to roll with the punches, once we have developed our own confidence through experience it gets easier each time we must go through some change.

I would like you to know that 50 is the perfect age in our lifespan where we see things real and clear, for a lack of better words at this age we seem to gain a bunch of knowledge at a very rapid pace almost as if we are 20 again. So this might just be your chance to saddle up on a your new horse and find out where it takes you.

My story is that I am 53 and when I turned 50 I decided to make a lifestyle change and return to college. The first year I swear I wanted to go crazy! I had not been in school in more than 30 years!! I made it and I produce more positive in my life now than I have ever done in my whole lifetime!!

I am a dual major in Human Development with emphasis in Child Development as well as Human Services. When I move onto University I will also pursue a degree in Child Psychology. Member of AGS-Kappa Honor Society

It is never to late to start a new chapter in your life!! I wish you all the luck in trucking once again.

Helonwheels :)

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