I ride with my husband and I feel like he has audio and video hooked. but he won't admit

by Beth vinegar

Is it possible to run a hidden device for audio and and tracking somewhere to back of cab??

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Jun 06, 2016
by: Anonymous

This last comment from the person that mentioned it could be possible your husband may want to record your sex sessions, good God, that should be private and only between you and your husband! If your husband tapes this and tries to sell it, then he has absolutely NO respect and consideration for you.

It is unbelievable the negative crap I hear and see about these truckers, no damn wonder truckers get a bad rap, downright disgusting! If you feel he has spyware, then get off that truck ASAP if you can!

I wish you the best and if I was in your situation, I would most definitely get off that truck!

Jun 05, 2016
Like if he is spying? It's possible
by: Anonymous

Yes it could be possible, maybe he wants to know if you talk bad about him when he's not there or is recording you while you guys have sex to sell the video or audio to third parties, its highly possible those devices do exist.

I wouldn't make too much noise while getting penetrated maybe there's a hidden microphone and also try no to get completely nude and remember to always try to ride on top so you can cover your top but if you get banged up laying down try not to take your top off and cover your face like with one hand and make it seem its unintentionally because honestly you never know those hidden spy devices could be so hard to detect.

I hope you are aware now and you might try to check into his laptop files there could be the answer, God bless.

Jun 04, 2016
I don't understand
by: Hervy

Can you explain what you are talking about?

Are you asking about a radar detector? they are illegal in a commercial vehicle.

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