I hit a power line my company terminated me, but no police report was made. Do I have to tell a potential new employer about it.

by Matthew
(Hilliard, ohio)

Will I was driving my truck I hit a power line. No police involvement, but I was terminated. Do I have to tell a new potential employer about it?

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Jan 09, 2018
Stuck in mud. NEW
by: Anonymous

That incident won't be on your MVR.
Yes, it's a preventable, but dozens of companies will hire you. Which state do you live in?
TransAm, USA Truck, Western Express will hire you, but so will many other companies, depending on where you live.

Jan 09, 2018
Stuck in mud NEW
by: Anonymous

So I got my front end of my truck stuck in some mud at a stop I had already reported to the company as a difficult one. Well they fired me after the tow truck got me out and I finished the rest of my stops for the day. Now trying to get a new job as a Class A CDL driver they are telling people i got a DOT preventable accident so no one wants to give me a chance but of course they didn't tell me that when they fired me. No police call no damage just stuck in the mud! Now how do i get back on my feet I am out of work and really want to get back to driving and taking care of my family? What can I do to get that off my record or how do i even find out if it's on my record? Haven't seen it on my driving record form DMV

Aug 02, 2017
Hit power line. NEW
by: Anonymous

It's probably on your DAC report anyway. It's no big deal, go ahead and tell them about it. I've knocked down power lines twice and no police report because the lines weren't within codes, ie.,were installed too low.
Ohio is loaded with good trucking jobs. What type trucking do you want? Nick Strimbu Inc. in Brookfield,OH is Teamsters and will probably hire you.
Plenty of others if you want more names, let us know.

Aug 02, 2017
I have a better question NEW
by: Anonymous

When you go to apply for your next job and they ask for references, they do have the right to ask "would you hire him again?"

Also, trucking is a dirty business. There is NOTHING to stop the OLD employer from telling the NEW employer why he fired you. Behind closed doors, nobody can prove anything.

You don't even know if your potential NEW employer is golf buddies with your OLD employer.

Trust me, I've been in management. You'd be surprised.


If you DONT tell them why you were terminated, which they WILL find out (that you were TERMINATED)... they will ask you, they have that right.

If you don't want to tell them, the insurance carrier will just tell HR you are a high risk and the Recruiter (or whomever) will tell you that the position has already been filled (for example, if they are advertising on CL)

Here's my take: Honesty is always the best policy. You hit the power line. You made a mistake. You can learn from your mistakes. My guess is, you are probably still a little new to trucking.

If you have learned from your mistake, let them know. Next... your MVR. If it's clean, you shouldn't have a problem, but even if the police were not directly involved, there may still be an "incident' report with the DMV

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