I have 3 speeding violations and one HOV violation on my MVR.

by Kris Constantine
(Mesa AZ)

I have 3 speeding violations and one HOV violation on my MVR. They all happened in my personal car and one is coming off in January of 2012.

Is there any small or large company that would let me drive. My dot is perfectly clean. never out of service or over weight. I have 6 years+ experience.

my phone number is 602-573-7112 thanks.

I just don't want my 3 kids to pay for my mistakes. OTR OR Local is fine. I have experience in dry van,refer and flatbed. My last company said they would consider me for work if i had one less violation on my mvr. Its pretty much an insurance thing at this point.

I am very on time if not early when it comes to my freight deliveries and pickups. I have driven freightliners, KW's, Peterbuilts, etc.

Please help my family get working again.

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Nov 12, 2011
Speeding violations
by: Hervy

best of luck Kris.

Maybe in next year things will really be a lot more easier for you.

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