I had my license suspended for not paying a ticket i didn't no about ,will it affect me getting my cdl for cr england?

by Bryan

Can I get my CDL and a job at Cr England with a non moving suspension for a fix it ticket i didn't know about?

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Jan 19, 2023
Cr England with suspension on your record
by: The Crazy Trucker

The first question any of them will ask is "How did you not know" have a good answer. lol

I'm assuming this is taken care of. If it is I think you should be alright finding a trucking company to hire you.

But you asked specifically about CR England.

I don't know about CR England in particular, but I think you can likely be hired if that is the only issue and the suspension was over a year old.

The way to be sure about England is to call England and see what they say about it.

As far as getting your CDLs. You can definitely get them with that on your record even if CR England won't hire you.

You might have to go to community college or Private truck driving school and then find a truck driving job. But call around and make sure you can get hired with your record first though.

CDL training options

Best wishes.

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