Husband needs a change in trucking companies

My husband does not get into these websites because he does not have time but wanted me to do it for him & I need some good advice.

He has friends on social media that is telling him to leave his current company & go to Raven trucking company. I never heard of them nor have I seen their trucks in my city or on the highway.

Do they do OTR? If you google them, there is only 1 review. I feel comfortable having medical insurance, but if he leaves his current employer, we will have a gap because most employers give you coverage anywhere between 3-6 months of starting employment & my employer offers no coverage.

Another problem my husband has with his current employer is the weekend fleet mgr sucks, he is a team driver & they sit idle on weekends, I just notified him of a letter that came in the mail from the legal dept telling him an accident he had the beginning of the month was a preventable incident & if he has 1 more within a 12 month period could lead to his termination of employment with his company.

This is totally unfair & all his friends are telling him to leave the company but these friends are not truck drivers! And I have to laugh when his friends tell him, hey man, trucking is the way to go & trucking is where the big bucks are! Yeah right!

He gets paid pennies a mile, his pay each & every week is unstable, you can't really plan on vacations because the pay is not really there! I can see why now I am getting negative comments from my co-workers telling me that his job sucks & he needs to get out of that damn job!

So any comments from girlfriends or wives of truckers that their other half drives for, please let me know of any good companies so I can pass this info onto my husband who is getting frustrated with his current employer.

Oh by the way this is my husband's first incident & he had 1 yr with the company when it occurred.

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May 31, 2014
all trucking companies NEW
by: Anonymous

Are the same pretty much.

they follow federal regulations. even if your hubby moves to another company and he gets into another accident he will still be fired because its federal regulations.
be a safe driver or you wont work.


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