Hubbie is newbie OTR driver

by Carol
(Logan, OH)

My husband is in his first week of OTR driving. We've been married 21 years and have two daughters, one a sophomore in college and the other a freshman in high school.

My husband was a finish carpenter for over 20 years, but after several months of no work in that field, and then several months as a temporary, something had to give.

He decided to get his CDL and give driving a try. It wasn't an easy decision, but there are NO jobs out there. It seemed every want ad we looked at was for truckers.

He's 5 days into his first week and it's mostly been okay. I know he was nervous to be completely on his own with no trainer the first few days, but he sounds better on the phone each day.

I know it's hard for him to be so far from home for so long, but we both know this just might be the job that can give us a future again. Things have been really grim over the least year and a half and this just might be our last hope.

He's 44 years old and basically starting his career all over again. I can't even imagine how hard that would be. On the days I get lonely or frustrated because I need his help with something and he's not here, I remember how we agreed this was best for our family and we'd all have to sacrifice to make things work.

I'm so tired of not having enough money to pay all the bills and we are both hoping that this pulls us out the financial pit we are in right now.

I'm lucky in some respects... him being gone is tough, but I'm kind of used to it. When he worked carpentry, he would often work 7 days a week and most everything else always fell to me to take care of.

I do miss him, but we both know this is kind of our last chance for a decent future, so we have to do what we have to do to make it work for our family. He knows I'm here for him and that I'll whatever it takes to make this work.

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Sep 21, 2011
Thanks for the comments
by: Carol

Just responding to the positive comments. Thanks everyone for the kind words and good wishes. I hope all of you fare well in this lifestyle, too!

Sep 21, 2011
Same situation
by: Anonymous

Just wanted to wish you and your family well. My husband was also in construction and we've been struggling over the last couple years. So now he's begun trucking school. I've been in a serious relationship with someone previously who also became an otr driver so I'm aware of the struggles on both sides. Like you, I'm pretty independent and used to handling things on my own. My husband and I have been together 5 years and never had any trust issues, so that doesn't worry me.
I really wish the best for you and your family and hope this ends up being the beginning of a new and successful future.

Take care

Sep 18, 2011
Best Wishes

I have thought about your post since reading it. We seem to be at the same place right now. We have been married 26 years. We have 4 children only one is under 18. My husband starting driving about a year ago since he could not find a job paying what he made 20 years ago.

It is hard. We are best friends. On top of that we let our house go back to the bank and I moved to be closer to family but that meant leaving friends.

This has been a lot harder than I thought. I put my email there if you would like to email me directly sometimes it is nice to know we are not alone.

Sep 13, 2011
Newbie to the trucking life
by: Hervy

Welcome to a new world Carol. Seem you two are on the same page so that is a very good thing.

Just be advised, those ads you saw probably lied about how much you can reasonably expect Hubbie to earn in his first year. Well unless it said $25,000 to $35,000.

Wanted to tell you that since you mentioned escaping financial turbulence. Trucking can help you do that as long as you can make it through the first year.

It also is expensive obviously to be on the road all of the time so both of you must be proactive in watching what you spend and thinking ahead and planning.

All the best!

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