How do you make a doctor's appointment or get a prescription refilled while you are out on the road?

by Military Spouse

My husband is retired military and we pay so much to still be able to go on base to be seen by the base doctors and to get our prescriptions.

Since you are never in the same place on the road and you can't be guaranteed to be home on a specific day, how do truckers handle dr. appointments?

And you usually get refills of your prescription the same place you had it filled to begin with.


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Jan 30, 2011
truckers seeing a doctor as OTR driver. Actual results may very....
by: Anonymous

It's honestly not that complicated, at least not for us. Most doctors offices do allow walk in appointments (or at least work in appointments) in the event that you need to be seen for being sick.

Physical's or other "routine" visits that need to be done can be scheduled months in advance. This gives us plenty of time to inform employers that they need to be in on that day. (With advance notice you are more likely to be able to get that time.)

As for prescriptions, our PCP makes sure he has all the little stuff with him out on the road. I.E. Allergy medication, Antibiotics, or any other medication that he usually takes. Also he has plenty of OTC medications with him in the event that he gets sick while out on the road. We also use a major pharmaceutical chain company. (like cvs and Walgreens) This way in the event that he does get low while out on the road we can simply have the Rx transferred to where ever he is at. (If there is one near by that he can access.) This however has only had to happen once.

This is how we do it, and over the last 8 years it's worked great for us.

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