Happy being a trucker wife!!

by Keri
(Deltona, FL)

I've been with my husband a little over a year now, and I am okay with him being a truck driver.

Of, course I miss him more than anything in this world. He was a truck driver before we decided to date, so I kinda knew what I was getting myself into, but I learned it was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be.

For the most part he's on the road for about 3 weeks, then home for a week. I think I'm pretty lucky since I've heard of some jobs where their out for months at time, so I very thankful of his home time.

There were many times where I would just spend all day crying my eyes out, just thinking and wanting to be with him. I was hard as well because when we got together I had a child from a previous relationship ( which my husband took in like she was his own!!), and my daughter was only 3 months old. Raising her with no one to help me out just added to the depression, but I just got in to the mind set that I wasn't going to fail.

My husband needed me to be strong and take care of the things that needed to be done at home.

Thankfully we have phones that are completely unlimited, so were almost always talking, hours and hours at a time. I never worry about my husband being tempted by other women when he's on the road because I make sure I keep him wanting to come me home to me.

We have a really great trust bond. I know I can trust him because he can trust me too. You always hear about truckers being unfaithful and always worring if their keeping the little man in his pants, but it's a two way street, as much as you worry about him cheating, he's going to worry if your cheating.

If there's that much worry, it's going to create tension and the relationship might just blow up.

My husband gives me lots of support, always makes sure that I know that he loves me and is always telling me how much he's life has improved since we got together. We both remind each other that we both need each other in this kind of relationship. I always call him and give him support and encouragement.

He really works his ass off, for this current company. They give him long runs that are crazy to make in the time that they give him. I can't explain it in words just how much i appeciate my man. Also I agree with another woman who wrote a little story, saying that trucking saved her marriage. We never fight, beacuse were not breathing down each others backs all the time. When he's home the last thing we wan't to do is fight for the short time he's home, so were both so understanding of each other.

My relationship is incredible, I do miss him dearly, but I so proud of him. He's really is a real man.

The best advice I could give anyone is to just be strong and keep trucking! Don't think about how much you miss him it will make it way worst. Try to keep in your mind how proud you are of him and it will get better, promise.

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Apr 21, 2010
making it work
by: Hervy

Thanks for this post Keri,
Seems yous guys are lucky to have each other and will make it work.

I think your words may have a positive impact on other ladies who do have a good man but is feeling a little doubtful about the relationship after embarking upon the challenges of being a truckers wife.

Distance can play a lot of tricks on the mind but looking at the big picture using history for perspective will help with the trust so that you treat each other exactly how you described. Lovingly.

A great attitude and trust will be needed for the relationship to continue to grow.

Wish you and all the married truckers the best of luck and many happy memories even though your living the trucking lifestyle.


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