Emotional abuse from my Trucker husband!

Yes, he is a Trucker who trapped me in a marriage he is a Trucker and as been for several years he is also a Register Sex Offender in which I did not know about until His step mother told me after we got married. Missed all red flags, crap wish I had noticed them.

Now I have no money to get out of this marriage and every time I try to get a job he emotionally abuses the situation telling me it is not good, you won't be able to do that job and a whole lot more is said.

He gets mad at a drop of a dime when he calls he hangs up on me. controls everything and everyone he even got me and my daughter angry at each other that we are no longer talking.

Then he manipulates me and puts blame on me for everything we are miles apart he calls me and it is my fault what can I do to get out of this unhealthy situation?

Sorry for this sad story wish I had a better one to say but I am sick of being married to man that does not love me and lies to me I don't want to be married to RSO.

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Nov 14, 2019
I understand your hopeless feelings..
by: Been There

The comments about "quit being a victim", "are you for real?"and "pack and leave NOW" are, to say the least, not at all helpful to someone in an abusive relationship. People who say those things have no idea what they are talking about and are almost as bad as the abuser himself. So don't listen to those ignorant comments, op. You need someone to talk to and to help you by building you up and reminding you that what your husband says and does to you IS NOT YOUR FAULT!!

Apr 17, 2015
emontionaly abused NEW
by: Anonymous

I have been a truckers wife for 23 years alot of what i am reading are so similar. Anger rage,control is a big key. I am sure all of us want to strive to see the good in your man and don't want to be wrighef down with dought and distrut. But there it is in a nut shell. Anger and abuse is steam from our self image of your true self. The trucker out there day in out weeks at a time East West doesn't matter temptation is everywhere. U may just get a conscience when things aren't going your way. Sound familar. I am speaking of something that is real cheating happens. And as the one at home i am sickened and saddened that this takes place. What about the one at home she has no choice to what u bring home with u. This is crazy u want your clothes washed home cooked meal and a good mate. Oh and continue with what ever u can get your hands on. If there r real good men out there on the road u have been over shadowed with this shame. All things come to light Mighty Mouse even if honesty is a hard commodity to find. I am free of my abuser love friend partner nightmare control freak. The gig is up speak out and be heard. Stop this sick display of the Trucker Manhood.

Dec 10, 2014
... NEW
by: Anonymous

I disagree with the last comment. My OTR husband has worked hard all his life. We have a beautiful family with well educated children. We own our own home and vacation Ranch. He does have dedicated runs which did make life better for us because he has a normal work week and is home every week. To judge all trucker drivers as weirdos leaves little for me to think of what type of human you are. I believe there are way more weirdos in the working force (blue/white collar)as there is more of our population in those industries. Labeling people is not appealing nor is your attitude which makes you a one track thinker and this is not normal. So I guess that would label and classify you as one of those weirdos. just saying...

Dec 10, 2014
the moral of this story NEW
by: Anonymous

I guess the moral of all the stories is that over the road truck driver's are weirdo's. This isn't a career that a normal person would want anything to do with.

Oct 15, 2014
You can leave! NEW
by: Anonymous

Quit being a victim! The only person who is going to take care of you is you!

Oct 09, 2014
give me a break!!! NEW
by: Anonymous

pack your bags and get the F_ _ _ out of there!! are you for real!! your living in a dangerous situation and you say you cant get out!! you are probably safer in a frkin shelter!! quit making excuses you are there because you WANT to be there!!

do you really need to stay there until he either beats you or rapes you or frkin both to make your lazy ass take off running!! Gimme a break!!

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