Do you think I can get accepted into trucking school ( like the ones where they pay for your schooling as long as you work for them for a year ) with 2 dui's ?

I got 1 dui in Ohio in 2002 and the other in Missouri in 2005.

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Aug 27, 2012
Sadly NEW
by: ninifay

Probably not, but what can it hurt to sign up and try?

Try out Swift or Roadmaster.

My bf had a hard time getting in and all he had on his record was trespassing from like 8 years ago.. but you could try, all they can do is say no.

Good luck to you

Aug 26, 2012
Probably not NEW
by: Anonymous

DUI's stay on DMV records for 10 years now and that is 10 years after you have fully taken care of the school etc.... and received certificate you completed and received your license back for driving.

So if you were busted in 2005 and it took 1 year to get the fines paid and go to DUI school and get your license back then the 10 years would begin in 2006(DMV). Even worse if a person eludes the DUI for several years the time does not start until the case is cleared up.

At any rate DUI's are high Insurance risks and most companies will not hire. But you can still get your CDL and go independent. When you take your test and get your permit ask a friend to train you, wont be any money in it but at least you can get trained.

It doesn't hurt to ask questions what do you have to lose? Then ask a company that drives teams and you will get more experience. good luck!

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