do people listed as a rider get paid too?

by ashley

My boyfriends nephew is a truck driver for dollar general. My boyfriend told me he's on some kind of list as a rider. He says after this 5 day trip they've been on he will b getting a decent paycheck.

Is this true?

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Feb 16, 2012
Riders for dollar general NEW
by: Hervy

I have no idea what a rider is as you described it. Sorry. In the rest of trucking world, a rider is simply someone authorized to ride with a driver, they get know pay. They don't even have a CDL usually. But maybe it is something exclusive the trucking company that you are referring to.

I am not aware of Dollar General pulling it's own freight. Usually, a trucking company like Werner will pull it.

While you wait on someone who may know first hand to respond, here is an alternative.

Find out the actual trucking company name and call a terminal that your boyfriend doesn't work at and ask the question.

Then let us know if you don't mind.


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