Devastated by deception and cheating

My husband and I have been married 8 1/2 years, going on 10 together. I just found out he is having an affair with one of the girls from his office (1800 miles away from home).

I am devastated! We have 2 teenagers and a 7 year old that looks up to daddy like no other. I can't eat I can't sleep and I just got a new job. I am a mess. I have given him my heart and soul and have stood by him through good times and bad.

He has only been on the road for 2 1/2 years and I don't know what to do. I need a friend I need advice my mind is a cluster!!!

I have always felt that he was my soul mate and that he was the one I was going to grow old with but now I'm so confused. He doesn't tell me he loves me he doesn't really even call me, I have to call him.

He doesn't seem like he wants anything that we have built. I know what my mind is telling me to do but my heart is so broken and I love him so much!!!

Please help I need to talk.

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Dec 21, 2014
Ignore him! NEW
by: Anonymous

I understand fully where you are coming from! Mine has been doing trucking for 2 years & I, too, thought mine was my soul mate but mine has an interest in my neighbor who is a school teacher but she dresses like a slut & she has an 11 year old daughter. The other day out of the blue on the phone tells me that she is bigger busted & she is the type of girl that every man would love to have & when I questioned him, he says to me if I do not want us to fight, I should keep quiet & shut up & accept his thoughts & I told my sister about this & she called him & blasted him & he tells her oh for Pete sake, I never said I would physically do it with the neighbor so my sister said to him that he would picture him doing the neighbor while he is with me in bed & he told my sister so what, what is wrong with that, well I can't print what she told him on the phone but I can tell you this much, my husband is supposed to be having home time for Christmas but he will be spending it alone in our place! My sister convinced me to move in with her & I did! My stuff is in storage so which means my husband will be in an empty shell of an apartment all alone & all by himself! So maybe as a Christmas present, he can turn that slutty dressed neighbor from a fantasy to a real reality! I say do what I did - LEAVE HIM! It seems like they get into their own world & think they are God's gift to women once they become truckers! My next relationship will sure as hell NOT be with a trucker! Good luck!

Dec 21, 2014
Ignore him! NEW
by: Anonymous

I understand fully where you are coming from! Mine has been doing trucking for 2 years & I, too, thought mine was my soul mate but mine has an interest in my neighbor who is a school teacher but she dresses like a slut & she has an 11 year old daughter. The other day out of the blue on the phone tells me that she is bigger busted & she is the type of girl that every man would love to have & when I questioned him, he says to me if I do not want us to fight, I should keep quiet & shut up & accept his thoughts & I told my sister about this & she called him & blasted him & he tells her oh for Pete sake, I never said I would physically do it with the neighbor so my sister said to him that he would picture him doing the neighbor while he is with me in bed & he told my sister so what, what is wrong with that, well I can't print what she told him on the phone but I can tell you this much, my husband is supposed to be having home time for Christmas but he will be spending it alone in our place! My sister convinced me to move in with her & I did! My stuff is in storage so which means my husband will be in an empty shell of an apartment all alone & all by himself! So maybe as a Christmas present, he can turn that slutty dressed neighbor from a fantasy to a real reality! I say do what I did - LEAVE HIM! It seems like they get into their own world & think they are God's gift to women once they become truckers! My next relationship will sure as hell NOT be with a trucker! Good luck!

Dec 19, 2014
well NEW
by: Anonymous

communicate everything you have stated here...he either wants to work things out or not....why just sit around wondering and driving yourself crazy....get through it so you can get over it so you can move forward...or choose to ignore it and end up doing what you are doing right now asking others for the way this is not advice only a suggestion..good luck take care....

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