Cooling a truck at night without idling

by Jean

Fan for the semi

Fan for the semi

When my husband shuts down at night he can't idle his truck. His cab gets very hot in this summer weather. He is new to this company.

Is there a battery fan he could buy.

The Wife

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Nov 11, 2023
This is like the fan i use
by: The Crazy Trucker

I use a fan like this one. It's only a fan so it's going to keep air circulating but it won't cool it down.

Course right now, most nights he's going to need the heat.

They have fans in the Love's truck stops too. That's where I bought mine from.

Jul 13, 2020
can buy fans
by: Anonymous

can buy some fans about all he can do....
yes it sucks

Jul 12, 2020
Cooling the truck with no A/C
by: Hervy

My air conditioner doesn't work. So I can feel his pain. Kind of.....

For me it's by choice. I own the truck. I didn't want to spend the money at first because I didn't know how dependable the truck was and they already tried the cheap A/C troubleshooting. Now after 2 years, I now know the truck is solid but it's a mind challenge thing for me. (I know, crazy. Just 1 more year.)

But to be forced to do this is crazy in my opinion.

I wouldn't drive for that company no longer than I had to.

That said, a small fan does help a lot. He can get it at any of the truck stops for about $25. Plugs right into the cigarette lighter.

Make sure he gets one with the longer cord so he can move it to the front and back.

Again, I wouldn't stay at that company. They should get an APU if they're going to keep the driver from Idling. Shows that they care nothing about the driver comfort what-so-ever.

I would never make someone drive my truck with no A/C or APU. That says a lot about that company owner/manager and it's not good. I bet his boss wouldn't endure that.

Tell him to be sure to drink a lot of water earlier in the day before shutting down for the day so he doesn't have a heat stroke.

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