company is deducting out of my check for accident

by Thaddus Geter

I was in an accident where a truck ran into me and the trucking company I work for is deducting money out of my check for the accident without telling me how much or how long they will take this money out can they legally do this. I'm in CA

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Dec 17, 2015
You need to get an attorney. Not legal.
by: Anonymous

"A case in point is the state of California, where employers, in general, are prohibited from making deductions from an employee's wages for damages caused by the employee's negligence.

This rule is based on the idea that losses caused by an employee's negligence are a normal cost of doing business and should be borne by the employer.

An opinion letter issued by the California Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE), the state agency that enforces wage orders, illustrates this point.

In that case, an employee negligently drove a company vehicle into a stationary object, and the employer wanted to deduct from the employee's paycheck the costs of the damage.

The DLSE ruled that the employer could not make deductions to compensate for damage caused by an employee's negligence."

Dec 17, 2015
hell no!!
by: Anonymous

that is 100% against the law... Get an attorney... Unless you sign some kind of an agreement which would have been completely idiotic...

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