Can I become a Truck Driver with a violent felony from 2002?

by Charles
(Carson CA)

I was convicted of assault with a deadly weapon in 2002. This happened while I was driving my personal vehicle. I served 5 years and now off probation. I have a clean record to date. This event in 2002 was my only and hopefully my last conviction.

I would like to move forward and provide for my family. I would like to become a truck driver. Is this realistically possible? I was told by a driving company in Gardena,
Ca this possible. I want to relocate to Las Vegas NV, to be near other family members. Can someone clarify any job possibilities under my current situation.

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Oct 04, 2013
Western Express hires felons
by: Anonymous

They have a driver working for them who served nearly 20 years in prison for murdering her husband while high on meth. Their background checks obviously suck, so give them a call...

Aug 15, 2012
Are you kidding??? Find a different line of work
by: Anonymous

You violently assault someone with a vehicle?

You want to drive for another company and use their vehicles?

Don't you think that they would consider you a high insurance risk?

I mean common sense would tell you that, and you need a lot of common sense to drive period, if you don't have that and you hurt someone with a car I think that's 2 strikes against you.

Truck company's use a justice report which means they see EVERYTHING you have ever criminally committed.

Then they use a DMV report as well.

You can have your record closed after 10 years from your release from parole/prison. Which if you did five years you got out 2007 then you can wait until 2017 (or if you did 3-5 years parole then that date would change 2020/2022) oh my.

Then you can write to the court of conviction to request that they close your record for employment purposes only.

Seems to me you would want to look elsewhere for work? Or owner/operator which means you need to buy your own truck and the problems that come along with it. Or maybe you have a friend that works independent and he can recommend you? Then you would need to find a training company to train you? Oh hell forget about it.

Aug 15, 2012
Felony driving job
by: Bill

The short answer is no.

The Federal Motor Carrier Association regulates who a trucking company can or cannot hirer to drive, and the rules during the course of employment. There are only 2 major criminal issues that will prevent, by law, you from becoming a truck driver:

1.Distribution of, possession with intent to distribute, or importation of a controlled substance. (illegal drug)

2.The use of criminal force such as with a gun or knife.

If you have either of these then and want to be a felony truck drivers please don't waste your money on trucking school - it will be impossible to place you with an employer.

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