broken heart

by lisa
(macomb, michigan)

After my husband went back into trucking, he has decided that he is not in love with me anymore.

He loves me but not in love with me. I miss and love him so much how do you bring his heart back to me.. desperate in Michigan

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May 01, 2012
he has a chose NEW
by: Anonymous

Love is a choice that we make everyday. i liked what the last lady said back off a little even though your trying to hold on to everything you got. just Dont give up!!! Pray for him and your marrige. I have been there my self and it hurts and its very hard but you WILL get though this.

Mar 12, 2012
this is how I handled that NEW
by: Anonymous

My hubby and I just went through the exact same thing. He told me that he loved me, respected me, thought I was a great person but was not IN love with me. Needless to say I wss left heartbroken too.. I started looking for another place to live with my son and was devastated. Then I stopped texting and calling him.. a day later, he would text me, I would answer only with one or two words, I stopped telling him I loved him, and I stopped calling him Sweety. I did not text him to say good night or good morning..he started texting me more and calling, a few days later he started saying he loved me... I was still respectful, but refused to say the L word back. Well it worked, he came back to me with the love that he showed me early in the relationship, took 5 days off the road to spend with me and the kids. The change was amazing. I realize now that I was telling him too often how much I loved him and using a pet name instead of his given name. It was like I was looking for validation from him.. Well things are back on track.. this just happened within the last couple of weeks. Not saying it will work for you... but it made me look at my own behaviour...after all I could only change my own behaviour in the relationship, not his. Plsy it cool, show that you are a strong woman and he may think twice about how he sees thing

Mar 12, 2012
moving on NEW
by: Anonymous

I am so sorry for your loss. I went throught the same thing when my hubby started driving truck. We are now divorced after almost a year of turmoil. I still love him but realize until he comes to terms with what he gave up he'll never appreciate how much he lost by moving out. Good luck. Seeing a counselor was the best thing I ever di for myself. By all means get his power of attorney and get yourself a good lawyet. Good luck.

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