best way to get used to driving long hours

by joel

i'm considering getting in to the trucking field and was curious on how i can get better adjusted to driving long hours.their were times i drove 3.5hours and i felt exhausted so is their any tips on how i can adjust to long hours?

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Feb 02, 2013
Truckers work hard for the money
by: Anonymous

14 hour days are normal, just because you can drive 11 hours legally there are times being loaded. After driving through mountains constantly shifting down then up then down again rinse and repeat is exhausting. long trips even in cruise is exhausting not only physically but mentally.

Truckers work hard for the money the people that think trucking is an easy job are just wrong.
if driving a regular stick or truck is that hard for you, trucking is even more taxing.

But you can try exercising more, vitamins, eat healthy. no processed foods no colas more water and take vitamins.

honestly you should think long and hard though.

Feb 02, 2013
trucking job not for everybody!
by: Anonymous

Buddy I' m not trying to be a bummer but the job isn't for everyone. If you drive 3 1/2 hours and feel tired maybe it's not for you.

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