At First I Didn't Like Life As a Truckers Wife But Now......

by Trish
(Tyler Texas )

Hello, my name is Patricia.

My husband is an OTR driver. He works hard for US. We've been together for 5 years. I didn't like it at first. I was lonely without him.

Being we have no small children. We decided I'd ride with him. I had a hard time in the beginning about his schedule and his broken promises. Once I started riding I understood it wasn't his fault.

He's not out partying. He's busting his butt to make appointments. Very little respect from drivers in 4 wheel vehicles.

Being cut off, tailgated, and bright lights coming from both directions.

I Love My Trucker Husband. Best decision I ever made is to get in the truck with him.

We are closer now than ever.

I love him more every day!

Ps... I get to see all the States I always wanted to. And have pictures to prove it. 😉

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Sep 26, 2022
Give It Time NEW
by: Anonymous

Trucking destroyed our marriage! 12 years ago he started trucking and I did not want him to do trucking and he promised me that he would not let anything or anyone get between us, and due to my medical issues I could not be able to and I was willing to quit my job to be with my husband but my doctor advised for me to not go in the truck with him. Now the first 4 years was great, when he did have home time I always made sure he had home cooked meals and did his laundry so he did not do anything while at home and I made sure before he left to go back on the road that his truck had plenty of food, drinks and snacks and he said he was very happy and greatful.
Well after those 4 years I was noticing changes in his personality and I thought it was due to a lack of sleep or problems with his team driver, but he started to fight and argue with me and it was the same time that he started associating with a few undesirable drivers that he made friends with when he did his 34 at a truck stop and they got into his head and changed him.
These other few changed him that it must have gotten too bad for his other team drivers (he went through 3), that they got off the truck with him and he then decided to go solo.
When he came home for home time, I still cooked because I was eating those meals but the way he was treating me after being changed by the other drivers, I no longer made sure his tractor was full of food, drinks and snacks, he asked why, I told him well let your "brothers from other mothers" to fill up your tractor".
He continuously was getting letters in the mail from his company about accidents he kept on having and I called him and told him what came in the mail and I told him that he was going to get fired and he said no he was not going to get fired, and then he was getting stressed out from his company that they were not giving him the loads like when he drove team, then I noticed on social media he was posting that if the CEO of this company got off his a** and was doing his job, he would make sure all his drivers were getting the loads, I told him you can’t do that and why did he do that, he said well so and so told me I should post it, the so and so was one of the other undesirable drivers, well 4 years ago he called me when I was at work and asked me when I was going to get home because he had no way of getting in (he lost the keys to our residence while out on the road), well he told me that he got terminated because the safety manager felt he was not a safe driver for this company.
He has not been working since! He obtained a copy of his DAC report, and no mention of any accidents! He had several trucking companies contact him, have him come all the way out to a hotel and then the next day have the interviewer tell him sorry we cannot hire you, we contacted your previous employer and it’s my decision that you will not work out! Now I can understand if maybe 1 or 2 tell him that but every trucking company told him that. So I think his previous employer told these other trucking companies that he got on social media and bad mouthed them and bad mouthed the CEO.
So when I said give it time, I thought the same as you did, our marriage was fine up until he met up with these other bad influencers.
My husband never thought he would be a truck driver but he had a co-worker at a company he worked at before trucking, that this co-worker told him trucking is where the money is meaning this guy heard truckers are millionaires and they live luxuriously, when my husband told me that, I said yeah right, don’t be so gullible and if that was the case, why isn’t your co-worker becoming a truck driver, my husband said because this guy was taking care of sick elderly parents.
My husband had a good thing going for himself but he destroyed all that by letting trucking and who he allowed to change him and damage the good marriage we once had! It’s his loss, not mine!
I remember when I would hand over my health insurance card to the girls at the front desk at a doctors office and it would have the trucking company on the card and they would ask me what’s this and I would tell them, they would say oh and the oh sounded like it was nothing to be proud of, the girls always got excited over police, lawyers, but never truck drivers!
I don’t know if he cheated, he said he would never cheat because he is married and he said even if he was single, he would never get a lot lizard because of the diseases they carry, but when my GYN found out I was married to a OTR truck driver, my GYN told me to be careful around him because he read about these drivers.
I wish you luck but if you cannot be on the truck anymore and if your husband should get around a few undesirable influencers, be prepared to see a change in him!

Aug 29, 2022
Adjusting To Life As a Trucker's Wife
by: Hervy

I'm happy you were and are a good open minded and understanding wife Patricia.

And that you have a good husband to be proud of.

Thanks so much for sharing your experience. It will help many of the wives and girlfriends who are reluctant for whatever reason to go on that ride to actually see what's going on over the road.

Hard to understand what the drivers goes through without riding out.

Many women just see it as their significant other traveling and therefor basically vacationing lol.

I understand its ruff on the wives and girlfriends at home as well.

Both parties have to be very understanding and intentional about trying to see it from the other in the other one's perspective.

May you relationship last a lifetime. May the couples reading this cherish and nurture their relationships and enjoy blissful adventure and romance!

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