And now I feel hopeless

by Froggintoggin

Wow. I came on this website seeking solice and advise for when my fiancé is on the road and instead I found horror stories.

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Jan 23, 2013
by: Anonymous

I have been married to a trucker for 30 years we (I) have raised one daughter. In my opinion it takes a very strong willed and minded women to live this life. I have been plumber, mechanic, electrician, mom, dad, mover, transportation for kids thru teens addressed any problems in school and home. It is tuff. All this being said his life has not been any easier. He's missed ball games, dances, church functions, holidays. It requires a tremendous amount of patients with both him and any children envolved. Oh yea and most of the time if I did it I should not have and if I did't then I should have. Our daughter is now grown and gone and the life of a truckers wife hasn't gotten any better. So I guess what I'm trying to tell you is this is a very hard life on both parties since you are not yet married you need to make sure you are a very STRONG WOMEN before choosing this life. We have done very well and had many good times as well its not all bad but it can be very trying at times that were your stength , patience and understanding comes in.......Wishing you the very best

Dec 19, 2012
Have faith!! NEW
by: Michelle (bama girl)

There are many different ways to stay close to your hubby. I have been married to my hubby for 3 years. His last tour on Iraq came 7 days after our wedding. We emailed every chance he had and talked 4 times a week when he was able. He has been OTR for a year. I am fortunate enough to be with my husband everyday. We are a team and I am here to tell you that some times it's rough when you feel like you just need some time by your self. If your not able to do that at this point, I suggest you get compatible phones that offer "face time". That way you guys can pick times through out the day to see each other while you talk. Take pictures to share with each other so you guys don't feel like your missing out on what the other is doing. Invest in good, noise cancaling head sets so that you can talk to each other more often. Make plans to have COUPLE time only when he is home as well as family time. It will get easier as learns his job. Be understanding to one another because its a new experience for you both!! Good luck!!

Oct 30, 2012
Hang in There NEW
by: Anonymous

Me and my now husband have talked on the phone everyday since we met and make the most out of whatever home time he gets. We joke around a lot with each other so things don't go all tense. We have four kids that miss their daddy very much but they know when he comes home it's 100% family time. they also talk to him,text him and we send pics of things going on at home to him and he send pics of things he sees on the road. You just gotta always keep the line of comunication open and make the most of home time.... DON"T LET BAD STORIES YOU HEAR SCARE YOU AWAY FROM WHAT COULD BE YOUR HAPPY EVER AFTER....

Oct 18, 2012
Yes that is sad NEW
by: Anonymous

Just to let you know, it is true there are a lot of bad stories here. But just to let you know that some may be venting. That is why it is a good site to do a lot of different things. You can read the good stories, diet and exercise, recipes and travel stories. So if it frightens you to read the bad stories, it is good to just skip over them. There are ridiculous people all over the world, and including on this site, keep in mind there are also good people here with some things to offer. Just try and be specific when asking for help or just try to write about things you choose not to have a reply on. You can do this by stating just that..."I don't need any advice"...."I am only venting no advice please".....etc...

Wishing you the best! :)

Oct 18, 2012
There is hope NEW
by: Laura

I know I posted some positive stuff just like any other relationship, both parties have to work at it and it's not all going to be smooth going.

Oct 18, 2012
There is hope NEW
by: Laura

I know I posted some positive stuff just like any other relationship, both parties have to work at it and it's not all going to be smooth going.

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