9-year old violation, will that prevent me from getting a job?

by Alixx
(South Carolina)

I have a stable(non-driving) work history and a clean driving record except for a 9-year old violation for dozing off. I want to work for Schneider, but I read that major companies are very strict. Thank you for answering.

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Apr 12, 2015
Celadon Trucking has refresher course agreement
by: Anonymous

Look up on Celadon Trucking. They offer refresher course at there truck driving schools through there company called Quality Companies.

Go to www.driveceladon.com. and www.celadontrucking.com to learn more and of go through and find the contact of the recruiter named Wendy Peace and email her on about yourself and the situation.

She might can get u into the school. they have started up all new flatbed and temp control division to go with their dry van they are known for.

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